1993-10-06 - Re: Strong PRNGs

Header Data

From: cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: d4449090eb64f7c74d1f92de107621d8ec993982b6b2a4f168ae11def05b5fb1
Message ID: <9310061511.AA21028@ellisun.sw.stratus.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-10-06 15:15:15 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 6 Oct 93 08:15:15 PDT

Raw message

From: cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison)
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 93 08:15:15 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: Strong PRNGs
Message-ID: <9310061511.AA21028@ellisun.sw.stratus.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>Message-Id: <9310061432.AA16969@snark.lehman.com>
>Subject: Re: Strong PRNGs 
>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1993 10:32:26 -0400
>From: "Perry E. Metzger" <pmetzger@lehman.com>

>Carl Ellison says:
>> I  can think of two:
>> 1.	a long-period PRNG (like subtract-with-carry) feeding a
>> 	cryptographically strong hash function (perhaps triple-DES
>> 	in ECB  mode with both key nad input taken from the PRNG
>> 	and output becoming the new PRNG output);
>What would the point of using this for a one time pad be, though? Why
>not just use triple-DES and be done with the bulk and complexity?

I'm not advocating it as a replacement for triple-DES.  I was answering
a question.

I have many uses for random numbers and none of them is XOR encryption.

However, I can even see a point for using this for XOR encryption [I prefer
not to call anything using a PRNG One-Time-Pad].  I can see two points,

1.	You might have traffic which operates in very high speed bursts
	(faster than your triple-DES can go) but for which the average
	throughput is well within the speed of your triple-DES.  So, you
	keep your PRNG/DES grinding and building a buffer of bytes to be
	used, then you use them at high speed during the burst.

2.	Knuth's Algorithm M (from someone else) mixes two PRNG streams and
	the result is stronger than either of the two sources.  I haven't
	read the paper he references, so I don't know how much stronger,
	but if there's any strength to be gained, someone might want to use

 - Carl
