From: Bill Stewart <stewab@us0750tb.oakland.NCR.COM>
Message Hash: 0e60873d7650eebd6d051f3eed29e308d3dd699e0f37454474ee0eec20b6a4bf
Message ID: <9311102212.ah09356@ncrhub1.NCR.COM>
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UTC Datetime: 1993-11-11 03:14:03 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 19:14:03 PST
From: Bill Stewart <stewab@us0750tb.oakland.NCR.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 19:14:03 PST
Subject: Newsgroups, Sternlight-bashing and screaming children
Message-ID: <9311102212.ah09356@ncrhub1.NCR.COM>
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From: Bill Stewart <>
Location: Pleasanton District
Location: cyberspace
Subject: Newsgroups, Sternlight-bashing and screaming children
I consider the Sternlight-bashing suggestions to be unreasonable;
Sternlight may rave from a warped, pro-government viewpoint,
but he is capable of carrying on civilized conversations, even when
he's (continually) grinding the same axe. The coffee-house analogy
is a very good one, and there *is* occasionally a screaming-children
problem on usenet; I assumed the original poster was referring more to
the perpetual-newbie types rather than to the newly arrived,
chronologically-deficient college students, most of whom are either
quiet, productive, or both (though a college student and the author
apparently felt otherwise :-)
I still prefer having this as a mailing
list, in spite of the volume; I can read sci.crypt when I want to,
though I'll probably have to get a netcom account rather than
keep telnetting into my old system now that I've moved.
Thanks; Bill
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1993-11-11 (Wed, 10 Nov 93 19:14:03 PST) - Newsgroups, Sternlight-bashing and screaming children - Bill Stewart <stewab@us0750tb.oakland.NCR.COM>