From: (Doug Merritt)
Message Hash: 2c070e65019bb40c30d0ef450ac27852698976108dd61241df6a91c73cb54b5d
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1993-11-09 05:53:12 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 8 Nov 93 21:53:12 PST
From: (Doug Merritt)
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 93 21:53:12 PST
Subject: Re: Private and Public
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Arthur Chandler says:
> Hmmm... my post may well ignite some flames; but I can't go along with
> the notion that this list is for purely tech discussion.
"Perry E. Metzger" <> said:
>I'm sorry that "you can't go along" with that, but I'm afraid that you
>don't have much choice: it isn't your list.
Gee, Perry, too bad for you, but it isn't *your* list, either. You
are assuming you speak for the list in your response. You're no spokesman.
This list is as unmoderated as any newsgroup. Your tastes have no
enforcement power.
Arthur can and will post about whatever he likes.
>Many of us have gotten
>burned out from a number of very long arguments on this list, and
>politics was not part of the charter to begin with.
Tell you what...for the sake of all of us newcomers, why not quote the
initial charter? Perhaps it would help us all focus. That could be
a good thing.
If no one does so, then you can expect people to continue posting about
their own personal interests, whether or not it matches your view
of appropriateness.
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