From: (Coerr)
Message Hash: 2f16c71672e699858b120ccf1c21729884111e2cb5ba4aada8d54688ad20a39d
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-11-30 00:12:15 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 16:12:15 PST
From: (Coerr)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 16:12:15 PST
Subject: The Cure
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Amount of e-mail from the Cypherpunks list at 11am, Mon/29: 22
Number of pieces concerning one cretin: 14.
The best filter would be a filter of no response. By feeding a puny
little ego simple enough to need nothing more than acknowledgement to
rejoice in its lost sense of self, its incentive is continually renewed.
Remember, this is some wretch who has clearly been shunted aside by all
the humans it has ever encountered, probably for the same reasons it
haunts us here. All it wants is to be the center of attention, and having
succeeded, it will not go away.
And so, a suggestion: How about an undetermined period of time
during which everyone simply agrees not to answer anything it says?
Undetermined because it'll just show up again once it knows people will
talk about it again.
It craves fame. It resents what it perceives to be the fame of the
better-known members of this list to be. It is jealous of that fame,
and wants some for itself. It is sick and ugly, small and unintelligent,
resentful of its underdeveloped brain and the fact that everyone he looks
up to instantly recognizes his stupidity. And now it has found a way to get
those very people to acknowledge it, discuss it, feel threatened by it.
It is used to rejection, so the endless repeats of it mean nothing. And
then even less in the face of the warm glow at the center of the
Cypherpunks collective attention.
It's techniques are working, and only because the members of this list
are obliging it.
This is the first and the last word I'll ever write about about it.
If we all did that, it would go away.
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1993-11-30 (Mon, 29 Nov 93 16:12:15 PST) - The Cure - (Coerr)