1993-12-13 - Cypherpunks-related Cartoons

Header Data

From: cfrye@ciis.mitre.org (Curtis D. Frye)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 2cbfb8e6780925925b9cf9c18a9a28ca079a37301cc35bd1779a97206e5000e5
Message ID: <9312131902.AA17760@ciis.mitre.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-12-13 19:00:08 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 11:00:08 PST

Raw message

From: cfrye@ciis.mitre.org (Curtis D. Frye)
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 11:00:08 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Cypherpunks-related Cartoons
Message-ID: <9312131902.AA17760@ciis.mitre.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

A thought struck me yesterday (minimal damage as I saw it coming):  we
should collect references to/copies of Cypherpunks-related cartoons to have
on hand as a tool for spreading the word about electronic privacy.  For
example, I saw a Calvin & Hobbes (last week?) where Calvin's dad bought a
book by cash so the store couldn't track his purchasing habits; Hobbes'
comment in the last frame was something like:  "He's being dragged kicking
and screaming into the information age, eh?"  There's also the _New Yorker_
one with "On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog." and a few Bloom
County's from 1987(???) that feature "secret writing".  This set is perhaps
best summed up by the following (paraphrased) exchange between Opus and
Portenoy, the ground hog:

Frame 1:  Portenoy:  Opus, you're an UKRL head.
          Opus:  (Looks startled.)

Frame 2:  Portenoy:  (Looks happy/relieved)  I've always wanted to say that!

Frame 3:  Portenoy:  This freedom to say what we want is the true meaning of
                     the First Amendment!  I for one love it!  (Walks toward

Frame 4:  Opus:  (Watches Portenoy depart, turns to address reader over left
                 shoulder)  That doesn't change the fact that I'm an UKRL head.

Anyone else have references to other relevant cartoons?  I'll keep a list
and would be happy to post it whenever there is a significant number of new

Best regards,

Curtis D. Frye
"If you think I speak for MITRE, I'll tell you how much they
 pay me and make you feel foolish."
