(Unknown Date) - on line books (not just in risk mgmt)

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From: “Tapen Sinha” <tapen_sinha@macmail.bond.edu.au>
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From: "Tapen Sinha" <tapen_sinha@macmail.bond.edu.au>
Date: Tue Sep 07 12:40:06 1999
Subject: on line books (not just in risk mgmt)
Message-ID: <2449ef0c725cc01648335423491a45b8@NO-ID-FOUND.mhonarc.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

If you are looking for information on new books, how to buy them (on line!)
and review of these books, there is a neat way to do it on internet:

telnet books.com 

if the above does not work on your machine, try 


It will ask you a bunch of questions (like your name and address)
and then you can look at info on books by author, subject...
You can look at reviews of those books too.

You can order books by email even (have your credit card handy)!
It can be quite useful.  A word of caution: there are some unhappy users out
there who claim that they got billed for books they did not order.

