1994-01-17 - Re: a modest proposal

Header Data

From: greg@ideath.goldenbear.com (Greg Broiles)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 377a252eb09d207197caea97e39a8c50a8b47b37639bfa06840702776f8a5e35
Message ID: <csFagc1w165w@ideath.goldenbear.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-17 18:16:07 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 10:16:07 PST

Raw message

From: greg@ideath.goldenbear.com (Greg Broiles)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 10:16:07 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: a modest proposal
Message-ID: <csFagc1w165w@ideath.goldenbear.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Nikolaos Daniel Willmore <uunet!columbia.edu!ndw1> writes:

> Greg Broiles <greg@goldenbear.com> offered,
> "I suggest that remailer operators might find it useful to redirect
> remailing requests originating from Detweiler directly to
> postmaster@lance.colostate.edu."
> Here are results of a somewhat unfair but curiosity driven experiment. I
> have got to admit I agree with the postmaster, but I figured it was worth
> a try. They are reproduced without permission.
> [Postmaster sez he doesn't care what Detweiler writes]

I was thinking that the postmaster would be annoyed by the volume, not 
shocked by the content, of Detweiler's posts.

I understood Detweiler's recent posting about remailer weaknesses as a 
threat to exploit those weaknesses - potentially creating hassle and 
expense for the people whose accounts are used as remailers, and perhaps 
even the other people with accounts on the machines which run the 
remailers. He's no longer talking about (assuming he ever was) using the 
remailers to make an unwelcome or politically unpopular comments - he's 
now talking about using the remailer system to hurt the people who run 
it and the people they share machines with. I take issue not with the 
content of his messages, but their purpose and volume.

I don't know how many messages it takes to swamp a remailer. I predict 
that it's more than 10 times the number of messages, redirected to 
Detweiler's postmaster, than it'd take to get his mail access yanked.

His postmaster can take one of two positions:

1.      Detweiler's conduct is unacceptable and beyond even the most 
basic requirements of decent net citizenship; and the postmaster will be 
in an excellent position to address this concern locally.

2.      Detweiler's conduct is within the boundaries of acceptable 
behavior; in which case, objections to it showing up in his mailbox 
and on his machine (as well as everyone else's) seem hardly appropriate.

If you've ever seen _Brazil_, picture the two maintenance guys with
their pressure-suits filling up with sewage, after Robert DeNiro (?)
replaced their air-supply tubing with sewage tubing. I figure that
piping some of lance.colostate.edu's sewage back onsite seems only

- --
Greg Broiles                   "Sometimes you're the windshield,
greg@goldenbear.com             sometimes you're the bug." -- Mark Knopfler

Version: 2.4

