1994-01-28 - 4th ammendment and Cryptography

Header Data

From: kevin@axon.cs.byu.edu (Kevin Vanhorn)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 6f78c72c2ee5b54932d8903ced0dd2606ba1b55c4102f10289d97de39a18e497
Message ID: <9401282315.AA09545@axon.cs.byu.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-28 23:13:16 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 28 Jan 94 15:13:16 PST

Raw message

From: kevin@axon.cs.byu.edu (Kevin Vanhorn)
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 94 15:13:16 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: 4th ammendment and Cryptography
Message-ID: <9401282315.AA09545@axon.cs.byu.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Phil Karn writes:

> Worst of all are the complete loonies (some apparently on this list)
> who assert that guns are an essential protection against a tyrannical
> US Federal Government.

Those "complete loonies" include Thomas Jefferson and many other of
the founding fathers.

> Those who believe this have apparently never heard of the US Civil War,

...a conflict in which the opposing sides were geographically separate,
making it easy to know where to aim an attack.  The situation is much
more difficult when the enemy is hidden among you.  Apparently, you've
never heard of the Revolutionary War, the Vietnam War or the
Afghanistan War.

> I'd rather not be associated with gun fetishists [...]

My, my, more name-throwing.  You know, it never ceases to amaze me how
selective some people can be in the rights they support (and for
whom).  It always comes back to bite them eventually, though.  The
South might have successfully seceded if it hadn't been for their
nasty habit of keeping slaves.  Conservatives who supported property
rights but not certain personal rights now find that no-one's property
is safe under the civil forfeiture laws, which were passed to fight
the War on (Some) Drugs.  And those who support the right to use
cryptography, but not the right to bear arms, will find that the same
argument used against gun owners -- "X is a favored tool of criminals,
thus we must ban X" -- will be turned against users of cryptography.

You'd better learn to get along with gun owners, Phil.  You just might
end up sharing a prison cell with one.

Kevin S. Van Horn     | It is the means that determine the ends.
kevin@bert.cs.byu.edu |
