1994-01-06 - ASAP’94: Call for papers

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From: cappello@cs.ucsb.edu (Peter Cappello)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 6fd07523cb419040fc76f8a33dac605b8f7090c099aeb1cff57a8e26ed88595c
Message ID: <9401060151.AA00289@spooner>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-06 01:59:44 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 17:59:44 PST

Raw message

From: cappello@cs.ucsb.edu (Peter Cappello)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 17:59:44 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: ASAP'94: Call for papers
Message-ID: <9401060151.AA00289@spooner>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Since many people  withdrew for the holidays, I thought it best to  
resend the following Call.

The Conference attracts those who design/implement special-purpose  
computing systems.

I welcome privately mailed suggestions for either a keynote speaker  
or an invited speaker (we will have up to 3 invited presentations).


                        A S A P '94

                      ARRAY PROCESSORS

                     22-24 August 1994
                     The Fairmont Hotel
                       San Francisco

                Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

     ASAP'94 is an international conference on  application-
specific   computing  systems.   This  conference's  lineage
traces back to the First International Workshop on  Systolic
Arrays  held  in Oxford, England, in July 1986, and has con-
tinued through the International Conference on  Application-
Specific  Array  Processors  held  in Venice, Italy, in Oct.

     Areas for application-specific  computing  systems  are
many and varied.  Some samples areas follow: CAD tools; com-
putational biology, chemistry, geology,  pharmacology,  phy-
sics,  and  physiology; cryptography; data base, information
retrieval,  and  compression;  electronic  commerce;   high-
performance   networks;   medical  equipment;  robotics  and
prosthetics; signal and image processing.

     Aspects of application-specific computing systems  that
are of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Application-specific architectures
 - Application-specific fault tolerance strategies
 - Application-specific test & evaluation strategies
 - CAD tools for application-specific systems
 - Design methodology for application-specific systems
 - Special-purpose systems for fundamental algorithms
 - Implementation methodology & rapid prototyping
 - Standard hardware components & software objects
 - Systems software: languages, compilers, operating systems

     The conference will present a balanced  technical  pro-
gram  covering  the  theory  and  practice  of  application-
specific computing systems.  Of particular interest are con-
tributions  that either achieve large performance gains with
application-specific  computing  systems,  introduce   novel
architectural concepts, present formal and practical methods
for the specification, design and evaluation of  these  sys-
tems, analyze technology dependencies and the integration of
hardware and software components, or describe  and  evaluate
fabricated systems.

     The conference will feature an opening keynote address,
technical  presentations,  a  panel  discussion,  and poster
presentations.  One of the poster sessions is  reserved  for
on-going projects and experimental systems.


     Please  send  5  copies  of  your  double-spaced  typed
manuscript  (maximum  5000 words) with an abstract to a Pro-
gram Co-Chair.  Your submission letter should indicate which
of  your  paper's areas are most relevant to the conference,
and which author is responsible  for  correspondence.   Your
paper  should  be  unpublished  and not under review for any
other conference or workshop.

     The Proceedings will be published by the IEEE  Computer
Society Press.


18 Feb.  Deadline for receipt of papers.
29 Apr.  Notification of authors.
24 Jun.  Deadline for receipt of photo-ready paper.
22 Aug.  Conference begins.

                     GENERAL CO-CHAIRS

Prof. Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.       Prof. Benjamin W. Wah
e.swartzlander@compmail.com           wah@manip.crhc.uiuc.edu

Electrical & Computer Engineering     Coordinated Science Lab.
University of Texas                   University of Illinois
Austin, TX 78712                      1308 West Main Street
                                      Urbana, IL 61801

(512) 471-5923                        (217) 333-3516
(512) 471-5907 (Fax)                  (217) 244-7175 (Fax)

                     PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS

Prof. Peter Cappello                  Prof. Robert M. Owens
cappello@cs.ucsb.edu                  owens@cse.psu.edu

Computer Science                      Computer Science & Engineering
University of California              Pennsylvania State Univ.
Santa Barbara, CA 93106               University Park, PA 16802

(805) 893-4383                        (814) 865-9505
(805) 893-8553 (Fax)                  (814) 865-3176 (Fax)


Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
e-mail piuri@ipmel1.polimi.it

Dept. of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
p.za L. da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy


+39-2-23993411 (Fax)

Please forward this Call to all interested parties.
