1994-01-17 - REMAIL: remailer tech

Header Data

From: Karl Lui Barrus <klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: ca50ac113d21d4db5d094d2014e8e71b120dac5e71ebef16d45b0b2135868f58
Message ID: <9401171716.AA18049@arcadien.owlnet.rice.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-17 17:18:30 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 09:18:30 PST

Raw message

From: Karl Lui Barrus <klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 09:18:30 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: REMAIL: remailer tech
Message-ID: <9401171716.AA18049@arcadien.owlnet.rice.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Thanks for the note, L.Detweiler!

Let's see, I added a bunch of files to the gopher site, and I'll do
more maintenance next weekend.

I sent out remailing requests, and got responses from these remailers:

Remailed-By: Remailer <catalyst-remailer@netcom.com>
X-Remailed-By: Anonymous <remailer-admin@chaos.bsu.edu>
X-Remailed-By: Anonymous <nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu>
From: nobody@cicada.berkeley.edu
From: nobody@shell.portal.com
Remailed-By: remailer03 <elee7h5@rosebud.ee.uh.edu>
From: nobody@rosebud.ee.uh.edu ---> elee6ue, which returned an
                                    insufficent funds message
From: nobody@shell.portal.com  ---> I surmise Hal is forwarding his
                                    alumni account to portal
Remailed-By: Eli Brandt <ebrandt@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>
Remailed-By: remailer bogus account <remailer@utter.dis.org>
From: nobody@pmantis.berkeley.edu
Remailed-By: remail@extropia.wimsey.com
From: nobody@rebma.rebma.mn.org
From: nobody@soda.berkeley.edu
Remailed-By: Eric Hollander <hh@soda.berkeley.edu>
Remailed-By: nobody@menudo.uh.edu

The following errors were received:

"|/u50/sameer/.myfilt"  (unrecoverable error)
    (expanded from: <sameer@netcom.com>)

550 <remail@tamaix.tamu.edu>... User unknown

So that's hearing from 18 out of 21, and maybe some more will drift in
shortly :-)  I'll test again in a while.

>for the duration of the execution of the perl code. Another solution is
>to have the messages sent into a buffering script, and something else
>continuously running in the background to go through the queue to send messages.

Yes, this is what the remailer at menudo does, all incoming mail is
just filed away, and then remailed at midnight.  I beleive I changed
the mailout script to pause for 5 or 10 seconds in between mailing.
Hopefully this will guard against massive onslaught attacks.

Karl Barrus

Version: 2.3a

