From: (Christopher Allen)
Message Hash: d28822637649a248621b4b61752695efc025f0808cf6ce08844441821dc07fa8
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-17 19:33:30 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 11:33:30 PST
From: (Christopher Allen)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 11:33:30 PST
Subject: Re: message (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
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FYI: This email and some related followup emails were sent to a number of
low low-volume lists lists that I belong to. Somone is now apparently
engaged in harassing a wide variety of Internet mailing lists completely
unrelated with cryptography.
In particular the Squish email was posted to were (CREA-CPS Creativity and Creative Problem
Solving) and Annotated Lists of ThingS ( As a
member of those lists I don't believe that the person sending the mail was
a member. I have also recently seen complaints from a number of other list
owners and users.
I suspect that the Squish email may have been sent to every list out in
world publically on the List of Lists, and those with remailers that allow
non-members to post let the mail item through to their members.
Please note that the request in that email...
> Address further questions to,,
>, or spurious, as I believe the members of the cypherpunks list and the
people listed above are targets of a clever net flamer.
As I do subscribe to quite a number of lists, and as an active internet
user I thought as a courtesy that I should let you know that that this
message did not truely originate on cypherpunks nor the from the people
listed as owners of cyperpunks.
I suggest that you ignore the Squish email, and if your remailer allows
non-members to post to your list that you should turn that feature off to
prevent further re-occurences of messages of this sort.
..Christopher Allen
..Consensus Develoment Corporation
..4104-24th Street #419
..San Francisco, CA 94114-3615
..(415) 647-6384 Fax
..(415) 647-6383 Voice
..mosaic frontpage:
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1994-01-17 (Mon, 17 Jan 94 11:33:30 PST) - Re: message (fwd) - (Christopher Allen)