From: (Chris Schefler)
Message Hash: eb515bf5104180e6ff357fa6b0be9ada7e2984ac6157024a4d311c5b4f53087f
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-24 12:00:14 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 04:00:14 PST
From: (Chris Schefler)
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 04:00:14 PST
Subject: No Subject
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I would like to apologize to the administrator of the cypherpunks mailing list
and any readers who were affected by my attempt to get off the list.
I admit that I lost my temper and acted inappropriately. I missed the
introductory statement probably because it failed to stand out from all
the other 50 messages I received on the first day, and got deleted. I
also have never subscribed to a mailing list before so was unfamiliar
with conventions for unsubscribing.
I lost my temper because all my attempts to get off the list seemed totally
ineffectual, I was receiving 30-50 messages a day, and I accidentally
deleted some of my other mail in the mass deletions I was doing.
I would recommend that mailing list administrators include a small
signature with all messages describing how to get off the list for
people like me who aren't familiar with conventions and may have missed
the introductory message.
I would also recommend automation for such a high-volume list so that
people can get a quick response. I assumed all along that I was dealing
with remailer software, not a human administrator. Of course I knew there
was a person responsible for the software, but I assumed it was automated
and that since I couldn't seem to get the software to respond I would have
to take stronger measures. I'm obviously new to the net and don't know
things like how to find a phone number or address for the person responsible
for a remailer (I now know thanks to the advice of a cypherpunks reader).
What I did whan I felt I had no other recourse was set up a file full
of UNSUBSCRIBE messages and put in a loop mailing it to three administrative
addresses at I let it run for 5 or 10 minutes.
I hope all these messages did not go to everyone on the list. I was just
trying to get the attention of an administrator. It worked.
Please accept my apology for the inconvenience I caused. I acted immaturely.
I now know how to get off a mailing list thanks to many helpful responses
from cypherpunks readers. It is ironic that my initial futile attempts to
get some response by bouncing letters drew vicious flames, but whan I crashed
the remailer I got many polite and helpful letters on how to get off mailing
I must say that the foul-languaged flames I got from some cypherpunks readers
played a major role in my losing my temper. All I did was bounce one days
worth of messages not knowing what else to do and boy, did some people go
through the roof. After I received numerous letters with four-letter words
and other verbal attacks, I sent another message to the two cypherpunks
addresses I had requesting for the third or fourth time to be withdrawn from
the list. I said that if I did not get any response, I would try to shut-
down the remailer. I waited several days and got no response.
Enough said. I think I am off your list now so I will get out of your hair.
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1994-01-24 (Mon, 24 Jan 94 04:00:14 PST) - No Subject - (Chris Schefler)