1994-01-27 - Talk at MIT Feb 2 (mini-abstract)

Header Data

From: “Alan (Miburi-san) Wexelblat” <wex@media.mit.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: f4588eb7321093614486941393c239541329231416571779e917f068c9a67d74
Message ID: <9401271607.AA25462@media.mit.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-27 16:12:13 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 27 Jan 94 08:12:13 PST

Raw message

From: "Alan (Miburi-san) Wexelblat" <wex@media.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 94 08:12:13 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Talk at MIT Feb 2 (mini-abstract)
Message-ID: <9401271607.AA25462@media.mit.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

[This was posted to an MIT internal newsgroup; people in the local area are
welcome to attend.  I do not have any further information.  --AW]

                        MIT TOC SEMINAR
               Wednesday, February 2, 1994
       Refreshments at 4:00pm, Talk at 4:15pm in NE43-518

                   Title:  Tracing Traitors
               by Amos Fiat, Tel Aviv University


We give cryptographic schemes that help identify the source of a leak.
Such schemes are relevant in the context of pay television, and easily
combine and complement the broadcast encryption schemes of Fiat and Naor.

Joint work with Benny chor and Moni Naor

Host: Baruch Awerbuch
