1994-02-25 - Clinton Uses E-Mail to Respond to Swedish Prime Minister Feb 18 (fwd)

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From: geoffw@internex.net (Geoff White)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 31ea29069200568b8d63a9f645be07dc3b51a7322edbdeffaf483442249dabdf
Message ID: <9402250215.AA11930@gaia.internex.net>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-02-25 02:14:38 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 24 Feb 94 18:14:38 PST

Raw message

From: geoffw@internex.net (Geoff White)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 94 18:14:38 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Clinton Uses E-Mail to Respond to Swedish Prime Minister Feb 18 (fwd)
Message-ID: <9402250215.AA11930@gaia.internex.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Subject: 2532 Clinton Uses E-Mail to Respond to Swedish Prime Minister Feb 18

Clinton Uses E-Mail to Respond to Swedish Prime Minister            Feb 18
SUPERHIGHWAY REPORT                                                HPCwire

  Washington, D.C. -- President Clinton exchanged the first-ever electronic
message with another head of government on February 4.

   According to reports from the Associated Press, the White House said the
computer messages, commonly called E-mail, started with a "Dear Bill"
electronic letter from Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt. Clinton responded
the next day with a "Dear Carl" E-Mail.

  In his message, AP reports, Bildt said he was testing the global Internet
system. He congratulated Clinton on ending the trade embargo on Vietnam and
said he will take up the issue of Americans taken prisoner or missing in
action in that country when he visits Hanoi in April. "Sweden is -- as you
know -- one of the leading countries in the world in the field of
telecommunications, and it is only appropriate that we should be among the
first to use the Internet also for political contacts and communications
around the globe, Yours, Carl." Bildt concluded.

  Clinton's reply -- "Dear Carl: "I appreciate your support for my decision
to end the trade embargo on Vietnam and thank you for all that Sweden has
done on the question of the POW-MIAS. I share your enthusiasm for the
potential of emerging communications technologies. This demonstration of
electronic communications is an important step toward building a global
information superhighway. Sincerely, Bill."
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