1994-02-04 - CRYPTO - New US keyserver now fully operational -

Header Data

From: fringeware@illuminati.io.com (FringeWare List)
To: mech@eff.org
Message Hash: 945ad8b61f3dd391101870f396cc06feac189a8139e27ba59cf167a39c22748f
Message ID: <199402031618.KAA29816@illuminati.IO.COM>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-02-04 04:04:49 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 20:04:49 PST

Raw message

From: fringeware@illuminati.io.com (FringeWare List)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 20:04:49 PST
To: mech@eff.org
Subject: CRYPTO - New US keyserver now fully operational -
Message-ID: <199402031618.KAA29816@illuminati.IO.COM>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Sent from the cyberdeck of: pgpkeys@wasabi.io.com (PGP Slave Key Server)

The US-based keyserver  'pgp-public-keys@io.com' is now open to the public.

Come one, come all!

Here is the current file as returned by 'Subject: help'.

This site is a PGP key server SLAVE site.  It behaves
very similarly to the European PGP master sites, but there
are a few small differences which will be noted below.
The most noticable difference is that it answers your
requests immediately instead of waiting for a daily
batch job to run :-)

The particular installation at io.com does *not* log the details of
requests for keys, however the fact that you have sent mail to the
key server at all is logged in the daily sendmail logs.  These logs
will be erased automatically after one week.

PGP Public Keyservers

There are PGP public key servers which allow one to exchange public
keys running through the Internet and UUCP mail systems.

This service is NOT supported in any way whatsoever by the schools or
organizations on which these servers run.  It is here only to help
transfer keys between PGP users.  It does NOT attempt to guarantee
that a key is a valid key; use the signators on a key for that kind of
security.  This service can be discontinued at any time without prior

Each keyserver processes requests in the form of mail messages.  The
commands for the server are entered on the Subject: line.

        To: pgp-public-keys@io.com
        From: johndoe@some.site.edu
        Subject: help

Sending your key to ONE server is enough.  After it processes your
key, it will forward your add request to other servers automagically.

For example, to add your key to the keyserver, or to update your key if it is
already there, send a message similar to the following to any server:

        To: pgp-public-keys@io.com
        From: johndoe@some.site.edu
        Subject: add

        -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
        Version: 2.2

        <blah blah blah>
        -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

COMPROMISED KEYS:  Create a Key Revocation Certificate (read the PGP
docs on how to do that) and mail your key to the server once again,
with the ADD command.

Valid commands are:

Command                Message body contains
---------------------- -------------------------------------------------
ADD                    Your PGP public key (key to add is body of msg)
                       *** Note: your update is forwarded to a master
                           server and may take a few days to reappear
INDEX                  List all PGP keys the server knows about (-kv)
VERBOSE INDEX          List all PGP keys, verbose format (-kvv)
GET                    Get the whole public key ring
GET 0xA1B2C3           Get a single key by Key ID
                       *** Note: the master servers allow you to omit
                           the 0x in front of the Key ID.  The slave
                           servers do not.
GET userid             Get a single key by User ID
MGET substr            List all keys which match "substr"
                       *** Note: this is different from the master servers
                           which return the keys themselves, not just a
                           listing of their Key IDs.  Also the master
                           servers accept a wild-card expression; at
                           the moment we do not.
LAST days              Get the keys updated in the last `days' days
                       *** Note: not yet implemented

Examples for the MGET command:

        MGET michael         Lists all keys which have "michael" in them
        MGET @iastate.edu    Lists all keys which contain "@iastate.edu"

Check the Usenet newsgroup alt.security.pgp for updates to this system
and for new sites.

Based on a document originally by Michael <explorer@iastate.edu>
