1994-02-10 - Re: T.A.Z.

Header Data

From: Grand Epopt Feotus <68954@brahms.udel.edu>
To: Paul Baclace <peb@PROCASE.COM>
Message Hash: b7fb42dac8baa603c9fc6ed3d8921bdab45d0a56a180c260cc38cc8af78e6ebc
Message ID: <Pine.3.89.9402101633.A5804-0100000@brahms.udel.edu>
Reply To: <9402101940.AA04583@ada.procase.com>
UTC Datetime: 1994-02-10 21:30:22 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 13:30:22 PST

Raw message

From: Grand Epopt Feotus <68954@brahms.udel.edu>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 13:30:22 PST
To: Paul Baclace <peb@PROCASE.COM>
Subject: Re: T.A.Z.
In-Reply-To: <9402101940.AA04583@ada.procase.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9402101633.A5804-0100000@brahms.udel.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Thu, 10 Feb 1994, Paul Baclace wrote:

> Can someone remind me where to pick up T.A.Z by Hakim Bey by ftp?  I archived
> the information accidently and it is hard for me to access now...  I recall
> trying to get it, but the node was down and I haven't tried again.
> Paul E. Baclace
> peb@procase.com
> peb@well.sf.ca.us
	T.A.Z. by Hakim Bey, really one of my favorite bits o reading, 
can be found at wiretap.spies.com /Library/Documents  I believe.  It's 
called taz.txt.  Very good reading I really enjoyed it. But then again I 
liked the Hitchikers Guide and base the origin of all life on it 8)

	You're eqipped with a hundred billion nueron brain, that's
	wired and fired, and it's a reality generating device, but
	you've got too do it.  Free youself  ----Tim Leary----
