1994-02-07 - Remailer Tearline Conventions

Header Data

From: edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
To: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Message Hash: c4cc15c30afbc3f67617719da45ebbf1e365d8acda504cc8ab29be89f7a8d406
Message ID: <4XLDHc12w165w@spectrx.saigon.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-02-07 12:31:17 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 7 Feb 94 04:31:17 PST

Raw message

From: edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 94 04:31:17 PST
To: Cypherpunks          <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Subject: Remailer Tearline Conventions
Message-ID: <4XLDHc12w165w@spectrx.saigon.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Anonymous (not me again) posted this reply to my msg:

   Uu> At the time I brought this up, the attitude of most remailer operators
   Uu> (Chael Hall and Miron Cuperman notably excepted) was that anyone who
   Uu> couldn't figure out how and remember to turn off their auto sig didn't
   Uu> deserve any privacy.

  An astonishing bit of Internet provincial fuckheadedness, I must say!

Well, you're at least 1/3 right! (:}

   Uu> I recommend that you always use the wimsey (extropia) remailer as the
   Uu> first (or only) leg of a remailer chain.  It is also the only
   Uu> Cypherpunks remailer outside the USA (it's in Canada) which will make
   Uu> tracing msgs a little more difficult for USA authorities.

  That remail@extropia.wimsey.com is in Canada specifically makes
  communications with it fair game for NSA interception, however.

Good luck, NSA. Better warm up those Crays. Wimsey is also the
only remailer to -require- the entire incoming msg to be encrypted
with a strong PGP key

  pub  1024/B5A32F 1992/12/13  Remailer <remail@extropia.wimsey.com>

Note this feature doesn't allow the encrypted SASE supported by other
Cypherpunks remailers which -allow- encryption but remail any
unencrypted text following the encrypted portion (which often includes
the auto sig, our original topic).  Instead, wimsey supports a pool


which is essentially a mailing list devoted to broadcasting to its
list of subscribers anything mailed to it. You join the mailing list
by sending a request to


Typically reply mail would be encrypted to a pseudonymous key you sent
via the conventional forward remiler method, so although everyone
on the list would receive the message, only the intended recipient
could read it.  Note that even if the authorities learn you are on the
mailing list, you have absolute deniability that you are the intended
recipient of any particular message.  (But keep the pseudonymous
secret key encrypted when not in use).

Version: 2.3a


edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005  Cupertino, Ca
