From: Black Unicorn <>
Message Hash: 2281a99317a424cebeb191215a723da5439617fb4ce9b1b693229d0b83589f8e
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UTC Datetime: 1994-03-17 13:00:56 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 05:00:56 PST
From: Black Unicorn <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 05:00:56 PST
Subject: Clipper hearings
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Begin Forwarded Message
talk.politics.crypto #3763 (4 more)
Subject: Clipper hearings. Not yet scheduled for CSPAN.
From: (Kyle L. Webb)
Date: Wed Mar 16 21:07:21 EST 1994
Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Lines: 28
Forgive me if this has been put out before.
I called Senator Leahy's office, and was told that the Clipper hearings
were to be held Friday March 18th at 1030 am EST in room 226 Dirksen
Senate Office Building.
I sent email to
which is CSPAN's viewer comment address letting them know of this.
Today I got back a reply that there was as yet no plan to cover this
event, but that the info had been forwarded to the programming staff.
My guess is that it is far more likely that these hearings will be shown
by CSPAN if there are a large number of requests to either the email
address for CSPAN or phone calls to the CSPAN office, inquiring if the
hearings will be broadcast.
If getting information on Clipper into the public eye is important, then
getting the hearings carried by CSPAN would be a good way to start.
CSPAN's viewer services phone number is
(202) 626-7963
(I got this number from CSPAN's gopher server, so it's been on the net before)
Kyle L. Webb Dept. of Physics + Astronomy University of New Mexico
- fin
-uni- (Dark)
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1994-03-17 (Thu, 17 Mar 94 05:00:56 PST) - Clipper hearings - Black Unicorn <>