From: Jim choate <>
Message Hash: 38c51e9681ba8c2e1c81826b3341a8262c1e578faea9ae76c83e7db018f98674
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-03-11 14:54:07 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 06:54:07 PST
From: Jim choate <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 06:54:07 PST
Subject: ID Chips...
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text
As I understand it there was a proposal to install such chips in children
to prevent kidnapping and such last year in Congress (don't remember if it
was House or Senate).
I question the validity of the chips use, seems to me that tatooing the ear
of the pet and placing this in a database would be much more efficient and a
LOT less expensive. It would not require the vet to buy any special equipment
or buy access to special databases. Also, what about small towns and rural
communities w/ insufficient tax base to purchase the equipment for general
use by the community?
I can see it now, a black van w/ tinted windows rolls slowly down your street
interrogating all the pet transponders determining who lives where and then
comparing this w/ the official records of residence... When you take this in
concert w/ real-time (or even small delay) financial record searches, the loss
of freedom of speech, limitations on assembly, criminalization of crypto, etc.
you are building a realy spooky scenario...
I think I would prefer to have my cat or dog tatood instead of transpondered.
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1994-03-11 (Fri, 11 Mar 94 06:54:07 PST) - ID Chips… - Jim choate <>