From: (Timothy C. May)
To: (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
Message Hash: 72f109bf9c3a99ff0d8627f307a038a10d443accf3bface29bf39e2e7b4c3876
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-03-18 20:08:17 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 12:08:17 PST
From: (Timothy C. May)
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 12:08:17 PST
To: (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
Subject: Re: spyproofing your house/work building
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I don't want to stop the fun Jason Zions and Arsen Ray A. are having, but
their ideas won't work. Not that I think IR surveillance is the
highest priority to worry about, either.
But I used to be a physicist, and some of the reasoning here is
perpetuating fallacies:
> > Or you could just put a nice incandescent light fixture between you and the
> > drapes; nice IR output from those bulbs. Halogen fixtures ought to work
> > also, but fluorescent bulbs don't produce enough IR.
Nope. Incandescent bulbs will have a broad spectrum of IR, from the
near IR to the far IR. An attacker with a IR illumination system (such
as in night-vison or FLIR systems, etc.) can illuminate in a chosen
spectral range with a power level much higher in his chosen band than
any reasonable bulb will put out. Moreover, he could of course
modulate (e.g.. chop) the illumination and lock-on only to the
modulated signal. In other words, the attacker has the choice of
wavelength and signal modulation to increase his S/N.
Still not likely, except for determined attackers and targets of high
economic or strategic value. I suspect the Waco compound was under IR
and microwave surveillance, for example. I suspect I am not, and in
any case, I don't worry about it.
(The real danger is not individual targetted surveillance, but
widespread and easy surveillance of communications and tracking of
locations, purchases, habits, etc.)
> > More importantly: attach a contact-speaker to each pane of glass, and feed
> > Top 40 radio to it. There have been reported cases of spy types bouncing
> > laser beams off windows and using the reflected beams to reproduce the
> > vibrations produced in the glass by reflected sound; in other words, the
> > window panes are large membranes which vibrate in sync with the sound that
> > hits them, so you want to override those vibrations with something else.
> Won't work. You need a random, independant source of noise. Each
> window pane should have its own noise source attached to a speaker.
> If the speaker is tuned into a radio station, they too can tune into
> the same station, then substract the two signals giving them a fairly
> clear ear to listen in from. A random noise source that is independant
> will do well because they can't substract it out. If two windows in
> two different rooms also use the same random noise, they can differentiate
> between the two rooms and get the sound.
Still won't work well against determined attackers. The entropy of
English speech and the _localization_ of the speaker means several
- multiple windows (or other vibrating conductors, if microwaves are
used) will have a correlated signal corresponding to the speaker,
whereas the added noise will be uncorrelated ( can
imagine clever hacks to try to spoof the listeners by injecting some
correlation into the noise, but this is also see the
point, I hope)
- speech models allow phonemes, words, etc., to be plucked out of even
noisy environments (we do it all the do folks listening for
the characteristic signatures of submarines, etc.)
> In that case they'll probably resort to using microwaves to bounce off
> a metal item in the room which would also vibrate with any sounds in the
> room. The only real defense against that would be strong shielding
> and a microwave detector to see if the shielding failed... the shielding
> has to be sound isolated or else the walls of the shielding could be
> used to get sound.. :-( Pretty nasty shit, eh?
Which is why we'll eventually all plan our conspiracies with
non-speech, non-in-person methods, such as with secure telecom....
Wait! Do you think that's what Clipper and Digital Telephony are all about?
--Tim May
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409 | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^859433 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."
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