1994-03-17 - RE: Whats so bad about a surveillance state

Header Data

From: Blanc Weber <blancw@microsoft.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 977cdf343aeb6c77130653ab5767b340965233efe2f2a825532b42dca3787a2c
Message ID: <9403172236.AA16594@netmail2.microsoft.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-03-17 22:35:27 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 14:35:27 PST

Raw message

From: Blanc Weber <blancw@microsoft.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 14:35:27 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: RE: Whats so bad about a surveillance state
Message-ID: <9403172236.AA16594@netmail2.microsoft.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

From: Brian D Williams :

Blanc Weber Postulates:

       > -With the rise of fiber telcos are laying fewer cable
       > routes and just stuffing the routes they do dig up with
       > more fiber than is necessary for replacement of the
       > existing copper, leaving some major areas with only a
       > single path in and out as one bundle of fiber replaces
       > tons of copper that was laid in multiple paths
       > originally becayse it would not fit in one path.  Saves
       > the telcos money, but a single backhoe might be able to
       > cause some major damage now...

 Well, I can't speak for the other Telco's, but here in the
Midwest this is flat out untrue.

Well, I can't say if that's true in the Midwest or anywhere else on the 
planet, because I didn't write that paragraph, as I don't know a thing 
about cables of any type or kind.

