From: Matt Thomlinson <>
Message Hash: 9ae917b96e017650165743d666a17743267c2c231bc46eb173304d2023d5a696
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-03-12 04:34:00 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 20:34:00 PST
From: Matt Thomlinson <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 20:34:00 PST
Subject: Seattle Cypherpunks Physical Meeting
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
When: Tomorrow, March 11, 1pm.
Where: Espresso-Roma Cafe, University Way and ~42nd; University District.
Since we haven't been able to secure a site where we can use MBONE,
we'll be conducting a first physical meeting in a coffee shop. We'll be
discussing possible options for next month's meeting tomorrow.
Bring questions, topics of conversation, etc.
Hope to see you there -- Contact me or blanc for more info:
Also, we're thinking of setting up a cypherpunks-seattle list. Let me
know if you'd like to be included.
Matt Thomlinson Say no to the Wiretap Chip!
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Internet: phone: (206) 548-9804
PGP 2.2 key available via email or finger
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