From: (Eric Hughes)
Message Hash: 3dba74b002919debae9df61c5023658f2c069e65d37eb28cd4865d2970e919c6
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-05-18 19:24:56 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 18 May 94 12:24:56 PDT
From: (Eric Hughes)
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 12:24:56 PDT
Subject: In defense of paranoia in cryptography
In-Reply-To: <>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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However, a successful cryptographer must be cautious at a level that would
be judged paranoid in more civilized communities.
A correct analysis of the risks and the costs of prevention and
non-prevention is not being paranoid. To be overly cautious is,
almost by definition, not to be economical. It should be noted,
however, that there is enormous risk in ignorance of the other risks,
and so effort made in order to understand the risks is well spent,
_even_ if one spends more on that than the savings stemming from that
If you need cryptography, it's because you have enemies.
This is dangerously false. One uses crypto because one does not know
the nature of one's opponents now and in the future, with an emphasis
on the future. This lack of knowledge includes an ignorance that
certain parties do not have your best interests at heart. If you
think they do, you can always reveal the information.
Cryptography is primarily about how we get assurances of security.
Uncertainty has negative value all by itself.
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