From: (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
To: lassie!
Message Hash: b06e7fe39110089e0368d4daf9785f6bb0e8ea91668bc33be5fca05fe18f4057
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <148@lassie.lassie.uucp>
UTC Datetime: 1994-05-04 02:33:23 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 3 May 94 19:33:23 PDT
From: (Arsen Ray Arachelian)
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 19:33:23 PDT
To: lassie!
Subject: Re: PC-Expo
In-Reply-To: <148@lassie.lassie.uucp>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text
The idea is that Joe Sixpack will probably not give a shit for a long time,
that PC Expo attendees don't all have access to BBS's or the internet because
a lot of them aren't PC literate but are trying to be. Most are just suits
who need to know about PC's.
Putting PGP on BBS's has already been done. Handing out flyers won't help.
It'll cost far too much to give out free flyers in terms of number of pages
and information. At best only a bit of teasing info can fit.
We won't be inside Javitz so they can't kick us out. We'll be right outside
on the street. We'll make it look like a some company is hading out freebies.
Lots of PC Expo attendies are there for the freebies and the info they can
show their bosses. As Jack Nicholson said in Batman "Wait till they get
a load of me!" :-)
Some will just format the disks, granted. Most will look first. Especially
if it looks like a pro job. Once they have a look, they'll probably want
to look deeper. That's where the fud factor comes in. If we can get the
yuppies scared of Uncle Sam enough to bitch about it, mind you Joe Sixpack
doesn't have the financial backbone that some-rich-inc. has...
IF you were running Novell would you want a phone line installed just so the
FBI can call it up and spy on your network? Espeically when you'd have to
pay for it, PLUS pay for taxes? Do you think the rich Wall St companies
won't bitch about that?
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