From: Stanton McCandlish <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-05-11 01:21:36 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 10 May 94 18:21:36 PDT
From: Stanton McCandlish <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 94 18:21:36 PDT
Subject: EFF's Kapor announces new cyberspace tv show
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Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 09:13:23 -0400
From: (Mitchell Kapor)
Subject: My tv show
(I thought you might be interested in this.)
New Cyberspace TV Program
I am developing a new program on cyberspace in conjunction with WGBH-TV,
PBS' Boston affiliate. The show is intended to be a window onto the world
of computer networks for the television viewer, whose point of view is
that the world of on-line communications is interesting because of what
people do there, not because of the digital plumbing which enables it.
We will be focusing on the human aspects of networking and the individual
and social aspects of being on-line. Cyberspace will be portrayed as a
not-so-really strange territory after all, where all of us will
increasingly come to live and work. My role is to guide people through
this new territory, introducing the audience to its native culture, its
scenic attraction, and its sights and sounds.
We assume our audience is motivated by curiosity to learn more about what
goes on in cyberspace, but we do not assume they are knowledgeable or, in
general experienced with it. On the other hand, we will not trivialize the
subject matter by reducing it to a least common denominator.
We will give the show a look and feel which is approachable and
down-to-earth. Interview guests and roundtable participants will be drawn
from the net community itself. There will be plenty of demos of cool net
stuff from Mosaic, CU See Me, and other cutting-edge applications and
We are taping two test shows in mid-June which will be shown in Boston and
other cities and hope to have some sort of national distribution (to be
determined) in the fall for a regularly scheduled program. We are also
going to create a WWW server for the show, the segments of which will be
downloadable. The server will be have on it additional material which
won't fit into the show format.
An Invitation:
We would like to include some video clips of net citizens expressing their
greatest hope and worst fear about the future of the net which we will edit
into an on-air piece for our regular feedback session.
It's important to me to have the voices heard (and faces seen) of people
already on the net. This is an opportunity for those of us who enjoy
appreciate the decentralized and democratic character to express that
sentiment to a mass audience. I hope you'll take advantage of the
Since an individual on-air clip will run at most 20-30 seconds, please keep
your statement succinct.
In shooting the clip, please feel free to pick a location which says
something about yourself, whether it's your computer, your pet, or the
great outdoors.
We can accept Quicktime movies, VHS cassettes, or 8mm tapes. If you
enclose a mailer, we will return your tape. We can also pick up digital
submissions from any FTP site, etc.
Contact Information:
c/o Kapor Enterprises, Inc.
238 Main St., Suite 400
Cambridge MA 02142
Stanton McCandlish * * Electronic Frontier Found. OnlineActivist
"In a Time/CNN poll of 1,000 Americans conducted last week by Yankelovich
Partners, two-thirds said it was more important to protect the privacy of
phone calls than to preserve the ability of police to conduct wiretaps.
When informed about the Clipper Chip, 80% said they opposed it."
- Philip Elmer-Dewitt, "Who Should Keep the Keys", TIME, Mar. 14 1994
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1994-05-11 (Tue, 10 May 94 18:21:36 PDT) - EFF’s Kapor announces new cyberspace tv show - Stanton McCandlish <>