1994-06-03 - Re: NYT article

Header Data

From: grendel@netaxs.com (Michael Handler)
To: joshua@cae.retix.com (joshua geller)
Message Hash: 9b4bd212ddcd20187e0f83a56899379b2f737eacf78ae5841edf1272c1a3acd8
Message ID: <199406030319.XAA05688@access.netaxs.com>
Reply To: <199406030307.UAA00947@sleepy.retix.com>
UTC Datetime: 1994-06-03 03:19:22 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 20:19:22 PDT

Raw message

From: grendel@netaxs.com (Michael Handler)
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 20:19:22 PDT
To: joshua@cae.retix.com (joshua geller)
Subject: Re: NYT article
In-Reply-To: <199406030307.UAA00947@sleepy.retix.com>
Message-ID: <199406030319.XAA05688@access.netaxs.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text

> an interesting commercial product might be software to
> do blaze's trick....

	Of course, the problem with this new nifty way to foil Clipper, 
is that most of the Clipper implementations are in hardware, ie the LEAF 
interactions and such are transparent to us mere mortals, and we can't 
modify them via software. Unless I'm missing something, it's going to 
take some hardware hacking to implement the Honorable Dr. Blaze's fix 
for Clipper.

	[ 'Scuse me, I'm going to go dust off my soldering iron. ;) ]
Michael Brandt Handler					 <grendel@netaxs.com>
Philadelphia, PA, USA	       PGP v2.6 public key via server / finger / mail
"I am iron, I am steel, nobody can touch me when I'm on the wheel"  --  Curve
