From: Jim choate <>
To: (Bob MorrisG)
Message Hash: c5cff76f646fbc195061aad404043c4ec74b048cf67c1f0683470d3e730e37ba
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1994-06-08 12:57:12 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 05:57:12 PDT
From: Jim choate <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 05:57:12 PDT
To: (Bob MorrisG)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text
> To:
> RR> sex with minors, the act itself has to be _physical_! The crime cannot
> RR> discussing it. What's the FBI going to do? Jail people for _talking_ a
> RR> murder, or jail _murderers_?
> Uh, I think they can, and do, jail for discussing a crime. It's called
> conspiracy, and the crime does *not have to have been committed for
> conspirators to be jailed. It happened here in L.A. recently. Some
> skinheads were jailed for conspiracy to bomb an synagogue, however the
> synagogue had not actually been bombed. They went to prison.
> * RM 1.4 B0037 *
For a group to comit conspiracy they have to actually do something other than
just talk about it. For example, you and I are discussing robbing a bank over
lunch, nothing illegal about that. However(!), the instant you say "lets use
my car" or "I have a gun we can use" then you have committed conspiracy.
It is my understanding that conspiracy is a felony even if the crime is a
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