1994-06-20 - Re: L.J. Freeh and the Opposition

Header Data

From: wcs@anchor.ho.att.com (bill.stewart@pleasantonca.ncr.com +1-510-484-6204)
To: daveotto@acm.org
Message Hash: e44cfdbac28a7b1d89d61dc0aae189ca98f7c52154c6a869b132b3efe099c606
Message ID: <9406200820.AA03908@anchor.ho.att.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-06-20 08:21:39 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 01:21:39 PDT

Raw message

From: wcs@anchor.ho.att.com (bill.stewart@pleasantonca.ncr.com +1-510-484-6204)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 01:21:39 PDT
To: daveotto@acm.org
Subject: Re:  L.J. Freeh and the Opposition
Message-ID: <9406200820.AA03908@anchor.ho.att.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Check out sunday's _Parade_ magazine for an article on Louis J. Freeh, the
> director of the F.B.I.  "Tough on crime", "man of the streets", and ruthless
> eliminator of directors :-)  If he ever throws his weight behind Clipper, the
> battle will get *MUCH* tougher.

Yeah.  On the other hand, his weight *is* strongly, if quietly,
behind Clipper - he's pushing the Digital Tele-phony Initiative to prevent
the phone companies from offering real crypto, so that if one of them
*does* decide to offer real non-Clipper encrypted service (e.g. cellphones),
they won't be able to.  If he were officially on the side of Clipper,
then the Clipper forces wouldn't be able to say "it's purely voluntary";
for now they can pretend to be totally separate efforts.
