From: Peter Murphy <>
To: (Mike Duvos)
Message Hash: e63c16a7b1bdb43d0e0dac39d4294510b93d1b8c3f310e0b04c198bb770af050
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1994-06-12 02:45:12 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 19:45:12 PDT
From: Peter Murphy <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 19:45:12 PDT
To: (Mike Duvos)
Subject: Re: Protocol Wanted!!
In-Reply-To: <>
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Commenting on Mike Duvos's original article:
> Here is a simple problem.
> Late one night, Bob discovers a clever new method of factoring
> large products of distinct odd primes. Bob may now perform such
> factorizations in only a few hours for numbers up to 1024 bits on
> his trusty old 486.
> Bob spent a lot of time coding and testing his new algorithm, and
> wishes to recover some of his expenses by factoring a few RSA
> keys for well-to-do clients. Bob wants to do this without
> disclosing his identity, so a certain evil three-letter agency
> will not cover him with rubber hose marks trying to learn how his
> algorithm works.
> Alice is the CEO of a company who suspects PGP-encrypted mail is
> being used by an employee to transfer trade secrets to a foreign
> competitor. Alice would pay any amount of money to read this
> mail and confirm her suspicions.
> Alice is a potential client for Bob. Now for the hard part...
> How does Bob make Alice, and other potential clients, aware of
> the service he wishes to offer?
> How do Bob and Alice conduct business anonymously while making
> absolutely sure that neither is spoofing the other? Alice needs
> to know Bob isn't lying about being able to factor. Bob needs to
> know Alice has the means to pay him before he cracks a key. Bob
> and Alice need to exchange a factored key for money with no
> chance that either will back out at the last moment and try to
> steal from the other.
> How much work should Bob expect to come his way if he charges $10
> a bit for his factoring service? $100 a bit? $1000 a bit?
> Comments anyone?
> --
> Mike Duvos $ PGP 2.6 Public Key available $
> $ via Finger. $
Of the several problems stated above, I find the pricing protocol
the easiest to deal with. There are a few things that need to be
known. For example, what is the complexity of Bob's algorithm? Does
it do it in polynomial time or (even better) some variant of logarithmic
time? The cost should bear relation to this fact. The cost should also
be related to the number of bytes in the message. If Bob was canny
enough, he probably would set the price P (in $ or DM or Magic Money or
any other currency I'm grouping under the title "cypherbucks") to be:
P = F(KB) * L * D
where K (in bits) is the length of the key, L (in bytes) is the length of
the message, D (in cypherbucks/bytes) is the "decoding" cost, B (in
cypherbucks/bits) is the "factoring" cost for the key, and F is a function
from the set of cypherbucks amounts to itself that is proportional to
the complexity of Bob's algorithm. If the algorithm is logarithmic, F should
be logarithmic. If the algorithm takes O(n^2) time, F should be O(n^2); and
so on.
There are other choices for deriving P; one such is:
P = F(KB) + (L * D)
and of course others can make their own up. Of course, it is assumed that
Bob is operating as a monopoly, and can set whatever pricing policy he
pleases. For example, 20% discount for students and unemployed. He could
even barter for goods ("I'll decode this 100K message for one of your
Cray computers.") If the monopoly disappears, the price would be driven
Alas, I can't say anymore at the moment. Study beckons. :-(
I hope this was of some help.
| Peter Murphy. <>. Department of |
| Mathematics - University of Queensland, Australia. |
| "What will you do? What will you do? When a hundred |
| thousand Morriseys come rushing over the hill?" |
| - Mr. Floppy. |
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