From: (Eric Hughes)
Message Hash: ea144c955d057df9d314c23f235b15ba2baeacd18bf8c1442c74908c3d5ab57f
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1994-06-01 15:50:54 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 08:50:54 PDT
From: (Eric Hughes)
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 08:50:54 PDT
Subject: Cypherpunks' Electronic Book 3
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I don't know the languages or protocols or mechanics
of the Internet to do it myself. I was hoping to provoke an Internet
guru to do this.
When I wrote the very first cypherpunks remailer in September of 1993,
I did it without knowing Perl, which I learned during that time, over
a 2400 baud dialup to an overloaded Unix host, using emacs to edit
(ever seen a page up in emacs at 2400 baud?), and having to read lots of
man pages on slocal and perl (lots more screen refreshes).
Now look. If you want to do something really useful, don't assume
that it can be done easily or without a lot of committment in time and
I have no idea
how heavy the duties of an administrator would be.
I would suggest that since it's your idea that you should administer
it. If you're not already putting out similar effort, it is somewhat
foolish to ask others to do so.
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