1994-07-12 - RE: Modems that variate speed

Header Data

From: Philippe Nave <pdn@msmail.dr.att.com>
To: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Message Hash: 2e547c55ac2213e27a52e2550c47c66a8c459246958c8308a73686bc5bc18e17
Message ID: <2E22A8EF@mspost.dr.att.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-07-12 14:39:30 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 07:39:30 PDT

Raw message

From: Philippe Nave <pdn@msmail.dr.att.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 07:39:30 PDT
To: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Subject: RE: Modems that variate speed
Message-ID: <2E22A8EF@mspost.dr.att.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Sorry I can't attribute the quote properly; Microsloth Mail strikes

> [modems that change speed in mid-transmission proposed as a
>  defense against wiretap]
> Aaron

This would probably thwart someone trying to tap the data stream
in real time, assuming that the speed changes caught the snooper
by surprise, but I don't think that real-time data traps are the
real problem. Someone who went to the effort of listening in on
your transmission would probably record the whole session on
tape; then, they could map the speed changes and pick up all the
data at their leisure later on. I would speculate that a really
good DAT deck could record the modem session well enough to give
your opponent all the time he needs to figure out the speed shifts
and pick up the data.

