1994-08-04 - SueDNym messages and our friend

Header Data

From: Arsen Ray Arachelian <rarachel@prism.poly.edu>
To: Jim Sewell <jims@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>
Message Hash: af2c02530fc3f8482aa3325d0809abe9b25147e82bfbad6baa2062e4ef5b06d3
Message ID: <Pine.3.05.9408040024.A8416-c100000@prism.poly.edu>
Reply To: <9408021343.AA19309@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>
UTC Datetime: 1994-08-04 04:54:19 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 21:54:19 PDT

Raw message

From: Arsen Ray Arachelian <rarachel@prism.poly.edu>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 21:54:19 PDT
To: Jim Sewell <jims@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>
Subject: SueDNym messages and our friend
In-Reply-To: <9408021343.AA19309@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>
Message-ID: <Pine.3.05.9408040024.A8416-c100000@prism.poly.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

This is the output of the program Medusa's Tentacles.  This isn't
complete.  The 1st "level" is buggy or I'm doing something wrong in the
data gathering.  I will however fix this up later.  This is basically a
sneak previous at what Medusa produced:

1: 6136990.06793633 deg of closeness  [TOKEN TOUPLES]
2: 0.00025409 deg of difference [TOKEN FREQ   ]

SOURCE TEXT: suednym
1: 425581.03653014 deg of closeness  [TOKEN TOUPLES]
2: 0.00021086 deg of difference [TOKEN FREQ   ]

SOURCE TEXT: tcmay.txt
1: 264235.00574214 deg of closeness  [TOKEN TOUPLES]
2: 0.00016356 deg of difference [TOKEN FREQ   ]

SOURCE TEXT: c:\autoexec.bat
1: 14771672.69300460 deg of closeness  [TOKEN TOUPLES]
2: 0.00035529 deg of difference [TOKEN FREQ   ]

SOURCE TEXT: c:\config.sys
1: 10857800.74279867 deg of closeness  [TOKEN TOUPLES]
2: 0.00035317 deg of difference [TOKEN FREQ   ]

Again, please ignore the 1: stats for now as I have to further investigate
their validity.

Fuzzybase "det" is the collected statistics based on the detweiler
archives collected by Rishab Aiyer Ghosh.

det30 is a portion of that collection, so I'm comparing it with the
collection to see how different a small portion will be when comparing it
to the whole.  This gives a difference level of 0.00025409

suednym is one of the messages Sue sent.  NOTICE that the level of
difference is 0.00021086.  These two "differences" are very very close
when compared to the others.

Autoexec and config.sys are thrown in as sanity checks.  If I got low
numbers on these I'd expect something was terribly wrong.

Weirdly enough TC May's post about the bleak future which includes tons of
paranoid like words matches most of Detweiler's posts more closely than
one of his own messages.   However lets not jump to conclusions here
because Detweiler's own message showed a differences of 0.002... and Sue
matched it.

With this sort of data it's hard to separate the subjects from the authors
from the language.  Language is easy to detect, but two people who
constantly post the same kind of material based on the same subject might
show up with the same difference levels.

Again this is only ONE sample so please no lynching Sue just yet (although
this was already a moot point.)

Remember, Medusa is still under construction.  This is only a preview.

If you'd like to preview the sources/executables to medusa please email me
and I'll somehow get them to you.

| + ^ + || ' . . .   .   . .   .             Ray  (Arsen)  Arachelian        ||
|  \|/  ||   . . .  ' . ' .  : . .           rarachel@photon.poly.edu        ||
|<--+-->||.   . . |' '| .' .  .  ...    ___  sunder@intercom.com             ||
|  /|\  ||   .  . \___/ .  . . : .... __[R]                                  ||
| + v + || . oOOo /o.O\ oOOo :. : ..    |A| "And bugs to kill before I sleep"||
        /      .    :   . ' : '         |D|     This signature pannel is    /
       /  The Next Bug to kill(tm)      ---     now open.                  / 
