From: (System Administration)
Message Hash: 0a0fce6a6fc40f45a5f97e220ada05e68d2653a0a51fb67d091759cd1b594e90
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-11-23 12:08:36 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 23 Nov 94 04:08:36 PST
From: (System Administration)
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 94 04:08:36 PST
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Over the next four weeks, NETCOM will be re-organizing our anonymous ftp
directory structure.
In order to cut down on the number of directory entries in pub directory,
we will be using a new naming scheme based on the first two letters of
your ftp directory name. Thus, in the past, if your ftp directory was
it will be changed to:
Existing symbolic links will also be moved. If you have a symlink:
NETCOM -> netcom
in the directory /ftp/pub, it will be changed to:
NETCOM -> ../ne/netcom
in the directory /ftp/pub/NE.
The only directories that will exist in the toplevel pub directory are
the directory entries for the two-letter combinations, which will be
created as needed. All new ftp directories will also be created
according to the new naming scheme.
We realize that it will take some time for our customers to prepare for
this transition. The actual directories will be moved over between
12:30 and 4:30AM PST Thursday morning. Symbolic links will be made
from existing directories (and existing symlinks) to point to the new
directory entries, so it should initially be transparent to most
customers. You will then be able to start advertising the new directory
name, although the old one will still work. These symbolic links will
then be removed on December 26th. Any scripts, publications, HTTP
references, and so on will need to be modified to point to the new
directory location.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
We hope to make this switchover as smooth as possible for everyone!
Systems Analyst / Systems Administration
Systems Support Staff NETCOM On-line Communication Services
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1994-11-23 (Wed, 23 Nov 94 04:08:36 PST) - IMPORTANT: FTP DIRECTORY MOVE - (System Administration)