1994-11-27 - Re: School Admins

Header Data

From: Jonathan Cooper <entropy@IntNet.net>
To: jpb@gate.net
Message Hash: 13fa1b497a87ac071b4d180b394078b12bbb1ee77f1a63aa6fab236330c2ad31
Message ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.941127163038.20443A-100000@xcalibur>
Reply To: <199411170430.XAA57764@hopi.gate.net>
UTC Datetime: 1994-11-27 21:43:04 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 27 Nov 94 13:43:04 PST

Raw message

From: Jonathan Cooper <entropy@IntNet.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 94 13:43:04 PST
To: jpb@gate.net
Subject: Re: School Admins
In-Reply-To: <199411170430.XAA57764@hopi.gate.net>
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.941127163038.20443A-100000@xcalibur>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> > suspend him.'  The administration, at least at my school, does *NOT* know 
> > how to deal with computer networks.  They threatened to suspend me for 
> > insubordination if I didn't grep people's mail spools for obscenity - 
> > call me a wimp, but I shut up and did it (deleting people I knew.  :) ).
> Here's hoping you sent the grep victims anonymous mail with a PGP faq.

   Riiight.  It's not practical to bring PGP in - these AIX boxes have 
disk drives but the C compiler has been removed.  I don't have access to 
another AIX box to compile PGP on, either.  crypt(1) is good enough.

( --------[ Jonathan D. Cooper ]--------[ entropy@intnet.net ]-------- )
( PGP 2.6.2 keyprint: 31 50 8F 82 B9 79 ED C4  5B 12 A0 35 E0 9B C0 01 )
