1994-11-26 - Privacy Digest

Header Data

From: “Gary Jeffers” <CCGARY@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 690e3be9b76051ae3e72ce2b9ed3a14c288768df078ea4e2e47bad1b50c527d8
Message ID: <9411260221.AA12862@toad.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-11-26 02:21:42 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 25 Nov 94 18:21:42 PST

Raw message

From: "Gary Jeffers" <CCGARY@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 94 18:21:42 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Privacy Digest
Message-ID: <9411260221.AA12862@toad.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

   What follows is an advertisement by the Privacy Digest people. These
people have been around longer than 10 years. The information would
seem to be of interest to Cypherpunks. I HAVE PRESENTED THE FOLLOWING

   Since these people are in Costa Rica, it will take more postage than
U.S. mail. Find out from Post Office how much. It should be less than
twice U.S. postage. Also, I have noticed that these people don't put
return addresses on some of their mail. You might consider doing the

The copied text follows:

                THE PRIVACY LIBRARY
Build your library of privacy protection services and income tax
elimination methods and procedures today. All programs are nicely
printed and come ready to be filed in any three-hole notebook for fast
use and reference.

[101] OFFSHORE PRIVACY CHECKING ACCOUNT: The [CAP] program is designed
to give the Client an off-shore confidential checking account and other
banking services which offer complete "secrecy" & "privacy" in his
personal and business affairs. Never an (IRS) audit or investigation of
your bank account. And no U.S. jurisdiction. Many other advantages are
pointed out in this program. Cost of this program, only $10.00.

[102] CONSULTING SERVICE PROGRAM: The [CSP] program is designed to give
the individual or company a legitimate tax deductible expense by
increasing expense deductions which reduces taxable deductions which
reduces taxable income -- you also make an additional profit from doing
so. You can use this program continuously. Cost of this lengthy
program, only $15.00.

[103] ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PROGRAM: The [ARP] special program is designed
to allow the Business Owner/Stockholder/partner to sell his (receivables
in a CERTAIN manner that will allow him to PROFIT from BOTH sides of the
transaction. This is an excellent and very popular program for the small
or large business Owner/partner or Stockholder. Cost of this LENGTHY and
DYNAMITE program, only $15.00

[104] SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROGRAM: The [SAP] program is designed to give the
client a much higher interest rate on his cash deposits with SAFETY,
than he can find in the U.S. with the benefit of interest paid, TAX-FREE
There is NO withholdings and NO reporting requirements. Its all "YOURS"
to keep. Cost of this program, only $14.00.

[105] REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE PROGRAM: The [RMP] program is a first
mortgage investment, a 15% to 25% YEILD depending on your TAX BRACKET
with interest payable monthly, in ADVANCE and NO reporting requirements.
Minimum investment only $1,000 with capital investment returned at
your pleasure. Cost of this program, only $14.00.

[106] EQUIPMENT LEASING PROGRAM: The [ELP] program is designed to give
the client a method to buy & pay for cetain furniture, equipment, auto-
mobiles, etc, that he needs & also to give the client a (tax-
deductible) expense against his income. And the payments by the client
go directly to a FRIENDLY off-shore company. Got the "idea?" Ask us
how this will benefit you. This is called "DOUBLE-DIPPING" & most of the
other programs work in a similar fashion. Each leasing payment is fully
deductible against taxable income & you BENEFIT on BOTH sides of the
table. Cost of this program, only $14.00.

[106] FOREIGN CORPORATION PROGRAM: The [FCP] is designed to put the
client in FULL control of his assets, and out of the JURISDICTION of tax
courts, (IRS) etc,. It can create new (tax-free)income opportunities
and protect you from divorce court, lawsuits, etc,. Cost of this program
only $14.00.

[107] FOREIGN CORPORATION PROGRAM: The [FCP] is designed to put the
client  in FULL control of his assets, and out of the JURSIDICTION of
tax courts, (IRS) etc,. It can create new (tax-free) income oppor-
tunities and protect you from divorce court, lawsuits, etc,. Cost of thi
program only $14.00.

[108] FOREIGN CORPORATION MANUAL: The [FCM] manual is designed to guide
and instruct the client in the workings and mechanics of the (F/C). This
manual contains over (100) pages of situations and examples to follow.
By "flow-chart" and "diagram" you will begin to fully understand how a
(F/C) will be of definite benefit to you. A must if you want to protect
your assets and earn (tax-free) income. The cost of this very special
manual, only $69.00.

[109] DOMESTIC CORPORATION PROGRAM: The [DCP] program is designed for th
client who needs a U.S. corporation for a PARTICULAR purpose, or to do
business in the U.S. etc., but wants to have the "true" ownership kept
strictly "SECRET", or to bring in money from the off-shore (with no tax
consequences) for personal or business reasons or to control certain
assets in the U.S. with a U.S. corporation instead of a foreign
corporation (for certain reasons) or to start a new business. There are
many uses and advantages shown in this most informative program. Cost of
this program, only $15.00.

[110] DOMESTIC CORPORATION MANUAL: The [DCM] manual is designed to
instruct the client in the workings and mechanics of the "Domestic" (US)
corporation. As with the (F/C) manual, the (D/C) manual also contains
situations and examples to follow and learn. There are examples, "flow-
charts" and illustrations how the (US) "Domestic" corporation works
(hand-in-hand) with the (F/C). You will definitely appreciate this most
interesting manual. Cost of this manual, only $69.00.

[111] CLIENT LOAN PROGRAM: The [CLP] program is designed to give the
client or company  a tax deductible itemized interest expense. It is
also used for repatriating money from the off-shore side back to the
on-shore side, LEGALLY and without any income tax consequences. These
loans can be used to do almost anything the client wishes to do. This
very interesting program has some unusual advantages and benefits.
Cost of this fantastic program, only $14.00.

[112] VAULT STORAGE PROGRAM: The [VSP] program is designed to give the
client a "SAFE-HAVEN" outside the "jurisdiction" of his country to store
valuables, letters, coins, and other personal items, in a safety deposit
box in complete "SECRECY". This is NOT a bank. There is (24) hour
electronic, guard and police protection services. Cost of this program,
only $10.00.

[113] REAL ESTATE LISTING PROGRAM: The [RLP] is designed to give the
client a "CLOSING DEDUCTION" at the time of (sale) transfer of owner-
ship. This moderately reduces the income tax to be paid on the gain of
sale of real estate and especially since there is "NO-MORE" capital
gains break. The sales listing (fee) is paid to a very "friendly" list-
ing company. Cost of this different and unusual program, only $16.00.

[114] DIVORCE PROTECTION PROGRAM: The [DPP] program is designed to
protect your assets, investments, save your business and escape the
financial expense and loss associated with Divorce. While this program
is not necessarily friendly to the other side, it does put YOU in
control of your income and assets. You decide what is fair and what is
not. Learn the "DIRTY-TRICKS" of protection. Place your assets outside
the [jurisdiction] of the courts. Cost of this amazing "EYE-OPENER"
program, only $19.00.

[115] SECOND PASSPORT PROGRAM: The [SPP] program is designed for the
"intellignet" person who understands the importance and benefits of
having a 2nd Passport. It can save taxes, can keep your IDENTITY
confidential, better travel service and customs entry. It could SAVE
your life and also allow you a way out of your country should travel
restrictions be imposed by your government which, by the way, is NOT as
un-likely as you may think. It could allow you dual citizenship and
permit you to work and live in another country. There are many other
advantages and benefits. Cost of this informative and much needed
information program, only $29.00.

[116] EXTRADITION PROGRAM: The [EXT] program is designed for the person
who has really "SCREWED-UP" with the (IRS) in that he has WILLFULLY
violated certain laws laws such as (a) Failer to File a Tax Return,
(b) Failure to Pay over payroll money withheld, (c) Taking part in a
conspiracy, (d) Aiding and Abetting etc., just to mention a few charges.
This program can help a person avoid arrest , conviction and extradition
and to live in SAFETY with "PEACE OF MIND" and WITHOUT further fear of
any consequences. client into a precarious situation. Cost of this in
depth and informative program, only $19.00.

[117] GET OUT OF BANKING PROGRAM: The [GOB] program is designed to
instruct the client of the many, many "DANGERS" of using ANY bank
located in the U.S. or in any of its possessions. This program shows you
how to get out of banking with U.S. Federal Controlled Banks and how to
locate a Foreign Bank to do all of your transactions, or you can have us
do your banking for you through our banks, with all transactions done
with SECRECY and PRIVACY. No (IRS) audits or jurisdiction. Here, your
PRIVACY is assured. The cost of this EXTREMELY valuable information
program, only $12.00.

[118] CHECK CASHING SERVICE PROGRAM: The [CCS] program is designed for
the client who wants to cash personal and business checks but not
through any (US) bank. Also he may want his bills and expenses paid from
the (off-shore) side through the use of our (money-order/certified
check) service. Money coming in and going out is completely confi-
dential. No audit trails and no paper trails. Too, "cash" can be
returned to you. Cost of this most USEFUL program, only $14.00.

[119] CREDIT CARD PROGRAM: The [CCP] program is designed to give you an
"international" Visa-MasterCard used worldwide in complete PRIVACY.
Money can flow in and out of the account with absolutely "no-audit
trail" and "no-paper trail" for the (IRS) or government of any country
to examine and investigate. Card accounting and record keeping is done
in a [jursidiction] not subject to any government inquiries. This is
the ultimate way to spend cash and protect your cash in privacy. Cost
of this special program, only $16.00.

[140] OFFSHORE BANKING SECRETS: The [OBS] program reveals crucial inside
banking information by a prominent offshore banker, who has transferred
millions offshore. Before you consider doing any business offshore there
are VITAL items that you need to fully understand for the protection
of your money. Each country is completely detailed as to the secrecy
laws and how they affect you. This 100+ page guide, $69.00.

[142] SIDE STEPPING CAPITAL GAINS: The [SCG] program is designed to give
the client a clear understanding of the proper and legal techniques used
to reduce or completely eliminate "Capital Gains". This is a LEGAL
"loop-hold" not yet closed by Congress. This not only applies to real
estate but to investing in the stock markets and other capital gains
transaction. Cost of this progrtam, only $29.00.

[150] MAIL SERVICE PROGRAM: The [MSP] program is designed to give the
client privacy and confidentiality in the receiving and sending of his
mail as well as having a second alternative personal and business add-
ress, or office location plus many other advantages, benefits and
privacy services as pointed out in this "eye-opening" program. Cost of
this program, only $5.00.

[171] PRIVACY NEWS LETTER: The [PNL] is designed to give the client
continuous monthy information on a variety of subjects regarding
EXPAND his assets and develop tax-free income opportunities. This kind
of privacy information is not available ANYWHERE!! It will cause you to
"think" and you will definitely "profit" from this unique and infor-
mative privacy information source. Regularly $120.00 (annually). To
NEW subscribers, only $49.00.

designed to provide the investor with certain methods and special tech-
niques in locating safe and secure (tax-free) "high-yield" investments.
This continuous monthly information will provide you with all the infor-
mation necessary to protect and expand your investments. Certain con-
duits will be revealed to you so that your capital and income will be
known ONLY to you. The annual subscription is $144. But to NEW sub-
scribers, only $59.00.

Please rush to me today by air-mail all of the following privacy
programs where I have placed a check [/] mark. Fast delivery is very
important to me.

[ ] [101] - Check & Accounting Pgm    $10
[ ] [102] - Consulting Service Pgm    $15
[ ] [103] - Account Receivable Pgm    $15
[ ] [104] - Savings Account Pgm.      $14
[ ] [105] - Real Estate Mortgage Pgm  $14
[ ] [106] - Equipment Leasing Pgm     $14
[ ] [107] - Foreign Corporation Pgm    $14
[ ] [108] - Foreign Corporation Manual $69
[ ] [109] - Domestic Corporation Pgm    $15
[ ] [110] - Domestic Corporation Manual $69
[ ] [111] - Client Loan Pgm           $14
[ ] [112] - Vault Storage Pgm         $9
[ ] [113] - Real Estate Listing Pgm   $15
[ ] [114] - Divorce Protection Pgm.   $19
[ ] [115] - Second Passport Pgm       $29
[ ] [116] - Extradition Pgm           $19
[ ] [117] - Get out of Banking Pgm    $12
[ ] [118] - Check Cashing Service Pgm $14
[ ] [119] - Credit Card Pgm           $16
[ ] [120] - Retire in Costa Rica Pgm  $14
[ ] [121] - Pensionado/Rentista Pgm   $15
[ ] [122] - Resident/Citizen Pgm      $15
[ ] [123] - Car Registration Pgm      $18
[ ] [126] - Vacation in Costa Rica Pgm $12
[ ] [130] - Telephone Privacy Pgm      $29
[ ] [131] - Offshore Investment Pgm    $10
[ ] [132] - Offshore Office Pgm        $10
[ ] [133] - Mini-Offshore Office Pgm   $69
[ ] [140] - Offshore Banking Secrets   $59
[ ] [141] - Business Plan Guide        $39
[ ] [142] - Side Stepping Capital Gains Pgm $39
[ ] [171] - Privacy News Letter        $49
[ ] [173] - Privacy Investing Opportunities N/L $59

Order 5 pgms (take discount)  < -10.00>
Order 10 pgms (take discount) < -20.00>
Order All pgms (take discount) < -50.00>
[01/94] TOTAL REMITTANCE $_______.00

(Print YOUR name and address clearly)
City:                 State:
Zip:                  Tel:

(Please send information Pkg. to a FRIEND)
City:                 State:
Zip:                  Tel:
Mention my name:  ( ) yes   ( ) no

Include the necessary funds - Cash, Check or Money Order (checks
held until cleared)

SEND TO: F.E.C., Box 959 Centro Colon Towers 1007, San Jose, Costa Rica
 Tel: 011 (506) 296-2597   Fax: 011 (506) 220-3470  [Ref:   /   -     ]

End of copied text:

                                           Yours Truly,
                                           Gary Jeffers
