From: Christian Odhner <cdodhner@PrimeNet.Com>
To: Sandy Sandfort <>
Message Hash: 7869b8fffad4dac73be48bc1f751b3314147934c4e617235733b3aff04150161
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1994-11-30 09:24:03 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 01:24:03 PST
From: Christian Odhner <cdodhner@PrimeNet.Com>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 01:24:03 PST
To: Sandy Sandfort <>
Subject: Re: The Market for Crypto--A Curmudgeon's View
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
On Tue, 29 Nov 1994, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> Here's my suggestion. Eric should unilaterally impose his first
> step, i.e., all unsigned messages and messages with spoofed
> signatures will henceforth be flagged as such. Let's see what
Not to point out the obvious or anything, but 99% of the people on this
list are inteligent enough to tell if a post is signed or not, and a
spoofed sig can be one of two things: a) the actual sender trying to
'give a good impression' or 'see if anyone checks', or b) a third party
trying for whatever reason to mislead people into thinking he/she is
really somebody else that we know/trust. Situation 'a'? I don't give a
damn, let them do what they want. Situation 'b'? Well the person they are
spoofing is likely to yell loudly that they didn't write the post in
question, and also there have been many times in the past where a signed
message goes by and a few hours later several people have posted 'did
anyone else get a bad sig check on XXXXX ?' messages... Why should we
splater the list with 'flagged' messages so that the small percentage of
us who don't (ever) check sigs will have some way of knowing that
something was signed? As my father used to say, "The lord helps those
who help themselves. Let us go now and do likewise." This seems a little
too much like a bit of net.welfare approaching. Added to that, it would
be easy enough to hack toad, or somewhere just 'upstream' of toad, and
edit out the 'bad sig' flags from selected messages, unless
signed all outgoing messages after flagging them, which considering the
list volume would slow that machine down to a crawl. All in all, I think
it's too much trouble (for the list admins mostly, but also for those who
wouldn't sign their posts but now feel compelled to do so) for a false
sense of security.
Happy Hunting, -Chris.
Christian Douglas Odhner | "The NSA can have my secret key when they pry | it from my cold, dead, hands... But they shall
pgp 2.3 public key by finger | NEVER have the password it's encrypted with!"
cypherpunks WOw dCD Traskcom Team Stupid
Key fingerprint = 58 62 A2 84 FD 4F 56 38 82 69 6F 08 E4 F1 79 11
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