1994-12-13 - Re: A Golden Opportunity

Header Data

From: jamesd@netcom.com (James A. Donald)
To: tcmay@netcom.com (Timothy C. May)
Message Hash: 41a4e6ed2f948852c696ee0e6ba7cfea0b8fa109e64cad798685758b96994556
Message ID: <199412130455.UAA29013@netcom4.netcom.com>
Reply To: <199412130143.RAA11607@netcom4.netcom.com>
UTC Datetime: 1994-12-13 04:55:58 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 20:55:58 PST

Raw message

From: jamesd@netcom.com (James A. Donald)
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 20:55:58 PST
To: tcmay@netcom.com (Timothy C. May)
Subject: Re: A Golden Opportunity
In-Reply-To: <199412130143.RAA11607@netcom4.netcom.com>
Message-ID: <199412130455.UAA29013@netcom4.netcom.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Timothy C. May writes
> In recent days we have seen on our own list commments from folks from
> Netscape--surely a major players in whatever's coming--and from
> attendees at the recent IETF meeting (that stuff is Acronym City to
> me, so I stay out of the debate). And contributions from Phil
> Zimmermann, Bruce Schneier, Steven Levy, and the like.
> "Can't we all just get along?" is a much-laughed-at slogan, but it
> seems to apply here. We have a golden opportunity to influence the
> Net of the future, surely a good thing. (And I haven't even mentioned
> the Cypherpunks connections to digital cash of various flavors.)

It seems that Perry and other are flaming Netscape for doing things
their own way.

Yes, Netscape have made a lot fuckups.  But they are out there
bringing really cool crypto to the masses.

First guy on the block always does a lot of dumb fuckups.

That is what version 2.0 is for.

Yes, and all the blunders that appear in version 0.99 are
really gross incredibly stupid blunders.

We should know.  Our prerelease versions of everything we
have created have always been full of incredibly stupid

That is the nature of programming.  Let he who is without
sin cast the first stone.

We have the right to defend ourselves and our
property, because of the kind of animals that we        James A. Donald
are.  True law derives from this right, not from
the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.            jamesd@netcom.com
