1995-01-14 - FW: How do I know if its encrypted?

Header Data

From: Matt Thomlinson <mattt@microsoft.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 1cc52d5c8112a8f342899344de56897d74ec67d178a71b357c1916d6bad6d56c
Message ID: <9501140004.AA21059@netmail2.microsoft.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-01-14 00:03:53 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 16:03:53 PST

Raw message

From: Matt Thomlinson <mattt@microsoft.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 16:03:53 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: FW: How do I know if its encrypted?
Message-ID: <9501140004.AA21059@netmail2.microsoft.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

From:  <Ben.Goren@asu.edu>
To: Matt Thomlinson
Subject: Re: How do I know if its encrypted?
Date: Friday, January 13, 1995 12:27PM

At 9:35 AM 1/13/95, Matt Thomlinson wrote:
>make "handful of plaintext"  - > "hash of the plaintext" and you've got
>a decent system. :)
>(this way, alice can keep a hash of the plaintext, hash of the ciphertext, and
>a key around for recovery, without keeping ANY plaintext. Also, for someone
>to request the data, knowing part of the message won't work; now they've
>got to know the entire message to recreate the hash.

That would be a little more secure, but I'm thinking that the "handful of
plaintext" would be a random number of some kind that the user prepends to
the file before encrypting. This is kinder on the data haven's CPU; compare
even 3DES of, say, 256 bits to IDEA of a few megabytes followed by MD5 of
same. Plus, it offers the operater even more deniability: he doesn't even
look at the whole file, but just enough to be sure that it's what it's
supposed to be.

Presumably, the data haven will specify how much a handful is, and offer a
client program that generates all this automatically.


You sent this to me privately, so that's how I'm replying. If you don't
mind, though, please forward this on to the list.


Ben.Goren@asu.edu, Arizona State University School of Music
 Finger ben@tux.music.asu.edu for PGP public key ID 0xCFF23BD5.
