1995-01-06 - Guess what I just got In the mail? giggle..giggle

Header Data

From: Carol Anne Braddock <carolann@mm.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: c1a1a957f0db195d1ba88898a2c93662fb3c691a74dc03cda677d932902fc72b
Message ID: <Pine.3.89.9501061235.G13486-0100000@downburst.mm.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-01-06 18:14:39 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 10:14:39 PST

Raw message

From: Carol Anne Braddock  <carolann@mm.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 10:14:39 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Guess what I just got In the mail? giggle..giggle
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9501061235.G13486-0100000@downburst.mm.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 18:57:36 +0200
To: carolann@mm.com
Subject: Chain letter bounced

You, carolann@mm.com, have sent a message that seems to contain yet another
copy of the infamous Make Money Fast chain letter.

If you want to make a complaint, please send just the headers of the
message to admin@anon.penet.fi - albeit as the messages have been blocked
(as you can see), the message probably *didn't* go through anon.penet.fi
but was faked (using NNTP faking or something similar).

If you are trying to *post* the chain letter, please read the following:

By now you should know that the net doesn't find all the waste of
networking resources, time and money this stupid and illegal scam
has caused amusing at all.

I have actually been forced to incorporate an automatic chain letter
detector / bouncer just for this... 

Here is the appropriate FAQ:

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This FAQ is for the benefit of those who have never experienced the
advertisement MAKE.MONEY.FAST.  Here are some answers to some questions
frequently asked.
1. Does MAKE.MONEY.FAST really work?
   Not in the sense that you'll make money fast, but you'll make a
   lot of enemies fast.
2. If I forward or repost MAKE.MONEY.FAST, will I get a lot of mail?
   Yes, hate mail, flames, etc.
3. How can I get my account cancelled?
4. How can I get my system administrator mad at me?
   Post MAKE.MONEY.FAST.  His mailbox will be so full of complaints,
   it'll take him/her a week to sort through all of them.
5. Who is Dave Rhodes?
   Salmon Rushdie's roommate.  Just about every administrator wants to
   kill him so he had to go in hiding.
6. How can I assure I have a long and prosperous life?
   Well, nobody can guarantee that, but it can be guaranteed that if
   you post MAKE.MONEY.FAST you're life may be cut short by accident
   (hee hee).
7. Just how does one have to never work again after posting MAKE.MONEY.FAST?
   Well, MAKE.MONEY.FAST is a Ponzi scheme.  Ponzi schemes are illegal.
   Ponzi schemes are a form of fraud.  Some of these net interchanges
   go over telephone wires, optic fibers, and microwave transmissions all
   regulated by the FCC.  If you repost MAKE.MONEY.FAST over the net, and
   someone at the FCC wanted to get nasty, they may want to prosecute you
   for WIRE fraud.
   Once you're in jail, you never have to pay rent, your meals are free.
   Anal injections are free.  MAKE.MONEY.FAST has a lot of side benefits.
8. How can I help to stop the spread of MAKE.MONEY.FAST?
   When some netter newbie blunders and posts MAKE.MONEY.FAST on the net,
   just send him a polite letter to not do it again (remember, the newbies
   act out of ignorance) then write the root@domain and request they inform
   all their users not to perpetuate this drivel.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Contents of message follows:

X-Envelope-To: na166182
Received: by anon.penet.fi (5.67/1.35)
	id AA19254; Fri, 6 Jan 95 18:50:45 +0200
Received: from relay2.uu.net( by anon.penet.fi via anonsmtp (V1.3mjr)
	id sma017754; Fri Jan  6 18:47:54 1995
Received: from toad.com by relay2.UU.NET with SMTP 
	id QQxxnn06516; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 11:50:16 -0500
Received: by toad.com id AA06017; Fri, 6 Jan 95 08:43:15 PST
Received: from vortex.mm.com ([]) by toad.com id AA05996; Fri, 6 Jan 95 08:42:58 PST
Received: from downburst.mm.com (carolann@downburst.mm.com []) by vortex.mm.com (8.6.9/8.6.6) with ESMTP id KAA28027; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:48:27 -0600
Received: (carolann@localhost) by downburst.mm.com (8.6.9/8.6.6) id KAA13250; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:48:16 -0600
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:48:16 -0600 (CST)
From: Carol Anne Braddock  <carolann@mm.com>
Subject: Re: Chain letter bounced (fwd)
To: "L. McCarthy" <lmccarth@ducie.cs.umass.edu>
Cc: cypherpunks@toad.com
In-Reply-To: <199501061011.FAA23248@bb.hks.net>
Message-Id: <Pine.3.89.9501061049.A13233-0100000@downburst.mm.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
Precedence: bulk

Thanks for the great article....I chuckled a lot, and I haven't had a
lot to chuckle about these days.....

But I still think that as the computer program we trust the most, he deserves
overt support in all phases of of my life. Even though I am dead broke, I 
could tell my main newsgroups. I wasn't asking or telling. Just informing.
And it was to .1% of all Usenet ....That...is...not...a...lot!

I am sure the real point of your post will 
come through, but for now I'm kinda clueless.

Love always,

Carol Anne

On Fri, 6 Jan 1995, L. McCarthy wrote:
> [...]
> > To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> > From: "L. McCarthy" <lmccarth@ducie.cs.umass.edu>
> [...]
> > Posting letters asking for $$$ is of course a risky venture on Usenet. We
> > see the PRZ Appeal as a Worthy Cause (tm), but that's just what all the
> > MAKE.MONEY.FAST posters think of their garbage too. If you go sticking out
> [...]
>  -L. Futplex McCarthy

>From carolann@vortex.mm.com Fri Jan  6 01:39:29 1995
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 21:57:05 -0600
From: Carol Anne Braddock <carolann@vortex.mm.com>
To: carolann@vortex.mm.com

Login name: carolann  			In real life: CarolAnne Braddock
Directory: /usr2/carolann           	Shell: /etc/scripts/tcsh-susp
Last login Thu Jan  5 21:38 on ttyq5 from annex3-1.wintern
New mail received Thu Jan  5 21:16:23 1995;
  unread since Mon Jan  2 13:18:25 1995
This account has been disabled permanently.

Mike Horwath - Admin - Winternet - drechsau@winternet.com
