From: (Gary Jeffers)
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UTC Datetime: 1995-07-20 21:51:40 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 14:51:40 PDT
From: (Gary Jeffers)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 14:51:40 PDT
Subject: DOVE/Red Mercury doom U.S. Super State?
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DOVE/Red Mercury dooms U.S Super State?
The first part of this post deals with Red Mercury. The
deals generally with cheap weapons of mass destruction and
proliferation amoung small groups.
Red Mercury means Antimony Mercury Oxide. This compound
looks rather
harmless but it is not. This compound is very technically
difficult to
synthesize in its dangerous state. I suspect that the
compound is more
complex than its formula suggests. According to Spin
magazine, it is
not exactly an explosive but goes through a chemical
that releases MUCH more power (energy/time) than high
explosives. It was
discovered in Russia and is currently being produced there.
DOVE is a
code name for an American device that would have used Red
The unique property of Red Mercury is that it releases so
much power
that it can be used as a trigger for miniature fusion bombs!
And appar-
ently has been.
Most of this material is from a booklet by Dr. Gary
North, called
BILLS FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE - chapter 7 - Khomeini's Bill.
This booklet
is a recent promotional for North's REMNANT REVIEW.
Remnant Review
824 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD
The following text is mostly information quoted from North's
in which he gets his info from Sam Cohen - The man who came
up with
the idea of the neutron bomb in the late 1950's.
--------------------start North----------------------------
The DOVE project was active at least since 1958 at the
Livermore nuclear
weapon laboratory. "The proposed device was part of the
lab's peaceful
explosive program, e.g., underground drilling & exploration.
It contained
no fissionable material. That is, it was not detonated by an
atomic bomb.
It was to be composed of deuterium & tritium: heavy hydrogen
which is
used in the hydrogen bomb. It would have the effect of 10
tons of TNT.
It would have been an extremely low-yield weapon."
Cohen concluded that it would also serve as a weapon. It
would kill
enemy troops with radiation out to several hundred yards,
but without
the destruction of buildings and without serious radioactive
tion. These devices, if practical, could be turned out by
hundreds at very low nuclear cost, since they contained no
material. Here was a completely different approach to
neutron bombs.
Not long after, he told a key Presidential advisor about
it. This man
has been a high-level advisor in the field of nuclear
disarmament for
half a century. The man understood the problem: if such a
weapon could
be built, any nuclear-proliferation treaty would become
a nightmare in his view. As Cohen told me, shortly
thereafter he was
forbidden access to this project, which the government
killed by 1960.
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union's research program continued.
Even before
Liverpool began its research, the USSR had been involved in
a similar
project. A 1957 paper by a Soviet weapon designer described
done in 1952. In 1961, a Soviet colonel described in Red
Star the mili-
tary effects of such devices. Cohen realized that the
Soviets were not
talking about DOVE; they were developing it.
Now jump ahead about three decades. In 1992, Russian
Ye Negin stated that Russia had begun producing low-yield
devices, but double what previous tactical nuclear weapons
have been.
He stated that this had been accomplished with a hundredfold
in weight. Cohen cites a 1990 statement by Viktor Mikhailov,
who is now
the Russian Minister of Atomic Energy: "You can drop a
couple of hund-
red little bombs on foreign territory, the enemy is
devastated, but for
the aggressor there are no consequences."
This means the Soviets - now called Russians - developed
the long-
missing trigger: the detonation technology. Cohen calls this
new material
Red Mercury: an antimony, mercury oxide. But U.S.
intelligence services
have officially denied that any relevant evidence for such a
exists. Remember this rule: "No rumor should be considered
true till its
In my interview with Cohen, he described eating his lunch
in the park
across the street from the White House, just a few hundred
yards away.
If a tritium-based, red-mercury detonated device exists, he
it would weigh perhaps five pounds. A person could sit down
on a park
bench, casually eat his lunch (or pretend to), deposit the
lunch sack in
a trash can, and walk away. At some predetermined moment,
the bomb would
explode. Everyone above ground in the White House would be
killed. So
would most people within several hundred yards of the
explosion in every
His other scenario is similar: a brown paper bag
deposited between the
two World Trade buildings in New York City. Tens of
thousands of people
could die.
The issue here is terrorism. These devices could be
tested in under-
ground ficilities. They would give off no detectable
radiation above
ground when exploded. Their low-level explosive force could
not be moni-
tured. The killing power of these devices is not in the
force of the
explosion. It is the neutrons that do the damage. They also
blow out
computers: electromagnetic pulsation (EMP).
Because they are very light and undetectable, these
devices could be
smuggled easily across a border. Hide one in a coffee can.
How cheaply could they be produced? Cohen cannot be sure
since he does
not know the precise nature of the detonating mechanism. But
even at the
cost of $1 million or more, this would be irrelevant
compared with the
consequences. A DOVE is a cheap weapon.
The government faces two problems. (1) The 1968 Non-
Treaty does not deal with tritium. It deals only with
materials, e.g. plutonium. (2) The Anti-Ballistic Missile
(ABM) defense
treaty is now threatened. By exploding a DOVE-type weapon in
the atmo-
sphere, a defensive-minded nation could disrupt incoming
missiles. When detonated, these DOVE devices give off
virtually no
detectable radiation: no fissionable material. Any terrorist
could test such a device, and the West would not know about
it. This
means that the two key nuclear war-related treaties of the
U.S. are tech-
nologically dead. They can be violated at will. The State
dares not admit this.
---------------------------end North------------------------
North thinks that Iran will be the country that attacks
the U.S.
with these bombs.
Fool's mercury. (synthesized red mercury created by
The Economist, May 22, 1993 v327 n7812 p76(1).
Abstract: Promecologia claims to be able to synthesize red
mercury, and
it has a $24.2 billion deal to sell the mercury to API
But this deal has gone awry, because of accusations that the
sale is
only an attempt to launder money.
Companies: Promecologia - Contracts
API International - Contracts
AN: 13768250
... But only fools still hunt for elusive red mercury.
New Scientist, June 06, 1992 v134 n1824 p10(1).
Author: William Brown
Subjects: Mercury compounds - Reports Fraud in science -
Gov't Agencies: United States. Department of Energy -
AN: 12747905
(This may be a disinformation article. Gary Jeffers)
Black holes of red mercury. (views of Gennady Brubulis,
State Secretary)
Moscow News, August 13, 1993 n33 p11(1).
Author: Vladimir Orlov
Abstract: The existence of "red mercury," a mercury
antimonite that is
produced and exported by the USSR to countries such as the
US, France,
and Iraq for use in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, is
gated and analyzed. The substance is a brownish-steel power
or a red
liquid, and costs between 320 and 380 dollars per gram.
Russian chemists
and other specialists in the US Department of Energy have
denied the
existence of this substance.
Subjects: Mercury - Research
AN: 14519163
(Its probable that this article is in English. Gary Jeffers)
An article titled Red Mercury was printed in (I'm pretty
Spin magazine some time ago.
From WAR AND ANTI-WAR by Alvin and Heidi Toffler - Warner
All this leads some pessimists to doubt that nuclear arms
can be
controlled at all. Few match the gloom of Carl Builder, a
analyst at the RAND Corporation. Builder's pessimism is
regarded as
extreme by many of his colleagues, but as the first director
of nuclear
safeguards for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, he
can hardly be
dismissed. At one time Builder was totally responsible for
the security
of all nuclear materials in civilian hands in the United
States, some of
it bomb-grade stuff.
The main problems of the future, he believes, will not
arise from
nation-states at all, but from those we called "global
gladiators" in
our book POWER SHIFT. These are terror organizations,
religious move-
ments, corporations, and other nonnational forces - many of
whom, he
says could gain access to nuclear weaponery.
Listening to him one imagines the Irish Republican Army
that it has accquired its own nuclear bomb. A call to the
BBC warns that
"if British troops do not evacuate Northern Ireland withing
two hours, a nuclear device will..." The bumblers who
devastated parts
of New York's World Trade Center might have oblierated Wall
Street had
someone cleverer supplied them with a tactical nuke.
Someday, Builder
believes, even outfits like the Medellin cocaine cartel may
be able to
build their own nuclear weapons.
According to a report in The Economist, "There have
already been more
than 50 attemps to extort money from America with nuclear
threats, some
frighteningly credible." Worse yet, to the current list of
threats an additional one, largely overlooked, now has to be
added. Not
only governments, terrorists, and drug barrons, but warlords
may now be
searching for nuclear weapons.
There are, often ignored by the arms-control community,
private armies
in many parts of the world under the control of local
political thugs. The equivalent of warlords can be found
from the
Philippines to Somalia and the Caucasus, wherever central
control is weak. More and more of these private armies are
spinging up as
the national forces of the old Soviet Union disintegrate.
Moreover, there
are reasons to believe that mafia-like business groups in
Russia today,
feed, house, cloth, and control whole units of the former
Red Army. In
short, private armies, mercenaries, and First Wave
warlordism are all
making a comeback. The idea of nuclear weapons under the
control of these
local generalissimos should send a sudder down our
collective spine.
Builder's proliferation scenario, however, forces us to
confront the
extreme. Like gunpowder, he says, "Nuclear weapons are going
to diffuse..
I'm going to go even further and say, even if not in my
lifetime, per-
haps, but in the forseeable future, [that they] are going to
down to individuals. It will be possible for an individual
to make a
nuclear device from materials which are in commerce."
Mafia families, Branch Davidian cultists, archaeo-
Trotskyite group-
uscules, Sendero Luminoso Maoists, Somalian or Southeast
Asian warlords,
Serbian Nazis, and even, perhaps, individual loonies could
hold whole
nations at ransom. Worse yet, Builder believes, "An opponent
cannot be
deterred by the threat of nuclear weapons if that opponent
has no defin-
able society to threaten." Thus, he says, a "terrifing
asymmetry" looms
--------------end of WAR AND ANTIWAR------------------------
Another threat is cheap biological warfare. A few years
ago in a
popular science magazine, a scientist was describing the
near future
threat of biological weapons. Amoung the things he stated
was 1. while
only two sites in the world house smallpox samples, its
genome is known
and it can be made in a gene sequencer. 2. As bio science
plagues can be manufactured by smaller groups of people. 3.
A plague
could be tailored to strike only a certain racial group in
only a
particular part of the world. The part of the world
described by humi-
dity, temp., climate, etc..
The world is not going to be dominated by a one world
state. Tech-
nology dictates that weapons of mass destruction are going
to find their
way into the hands of smaller and smaller groups. No longer
will giant
states be able to say "you do what I say." Sort of a "Don't
tread on me"
world. "God created man. Samuel Colt made men equal." - AND
cheap weapons
of mass destruction will make political entities equal
regardless of
Other books that pretty much reach these conclusions are:
GREAT RECKONING by James Dale Davidson and Lord William
Mogg Simon & Schuster; BLOOD IN THE STREETS by same
and BASEMENT NUKES by Erwin S. Strauss - Loompanics
Relevance to CYPHERPUNKS: Weaponery decides size of viable
political groups & their degree of independence. This will
decide much
of the nature of private communications. Also, Cypherpunks
was sort of
down about the increasing control of the U.S. superstate. I
think this
will cheer them up.
& Finally: In the old Feudal days, wars weren't so bad. The
would fight while the peasants watched nearby & cheered the
Won't it be just grand when we sit in front of our tv's with
cokes & popcorn & watch the "horrible" news reports of the
in Washington D.C. in which the dreaded two-headed Clinton
monster was
killed and various paramilitary headquarters, the IRS,
lobbyists, lawyers, the Federal Reserve and a violent
welfare population
were destroyed. Set VCRs on record!
Gary Jeffers
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