1995-07-11 - Re: FW: Edupage 7/9/95 (fwd)

Header Data

From: alt@iquest.net (Al Thompson)
To: “Ed Carp [khijol Sysadmin]” <erc@khijol.intele.net>
Message Hash: 69ad3b88ab58942f770221597569f4f8899624364d2f84601b20d91fb8f2fcf4
Message ID: <m0sVlwb-000BVbC@dorite1.iquest.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-07-11 20:30:59 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 13:30:59 PDT

Raw message

From: alt@iquest.net (Al Thompson)
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 13:30:59 PDT
To: "Ed Carp [khijol Sysadmin]" <erc@khijol.intele.net>
Subject: Re: FW: Edupage 7/9/95 (fwd)
Message-ID: <m0sVlwb-000BVbC@dorite1.iquest.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

At 01:45 PM 7/11/95 +0100, Ed Carp [khijol Sysadmin] wrote:

>You oughta go out and borrow someone's shortwave radio or ham HF radio. 
>Between 3900 and 3900 KHz every evening, a bunch of guys in the south
>(Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana) get on the air and talk about the
>"goddamn niggers, jews, and fags that are ruining this country."  All
>kinds of folks (meaning non-WASPs, of course) are targeted for this kind
>of spew.  Words like "motherfucker" are often used, especially against
>"niggers".  The speakers rail against "white women with goddamn niggers",
>and any other non-WASP who happens to arouse their ire. 
>Quite entertaining if you enjoy that sort of thing.  Stomach-turning if
>you don't.  Call signs, times and frequencies heard upon request. 
I don't enjoy it, and don't particularly care to hear it - HOWEVER, I don't
see that they are harming anyone (I don't count "hurt feelings as "harm), 
any more than Malcolm X did when he called all white people "the devil," 
or when the militant Muslims do when they call all non-Muslims "heathens" 
or "the infidel" who should be killed.  (or any more than wingate does 
when he says all non-Jews should be done away with).  They are simply 
trying to "sell" their views by exposing their views.  
If they want to think that, and if they want to say that, then that is their 
business.  I'm free to listen, or to avoid listening.  I can avoid their 
newsgroups, or turn off my radio.  That doesn't mean I have to like them, or
be nice to them - I am just as free to ridicule their views, and I won't care 
if I hurt their feelings.
If this sort of speech is regulated however, I will no longer have that 

If I ask the government to prevent them from speaking their views,
them only *I* am free to speak mine, so who is the victim?
