1995-07-18 - Re: SurfWatch for employees (ugh)

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From: stewarts@ix.netcom.com (Bill Stewart)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 74740faaa7c3ce202e908fbfd6d0261ea0e106abee8061f6bc0c801ffedb32b4
Message ID: <199507182255.PAA06275@ix5.ix.netcom.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-07-18 22:56:49 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 15:56:49 PDT

Raw message

From: stewarts@ix.netcom.com (Bill Stewart)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 15:56:49 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: SurfWatch for employees (ugh)
Message-ID: <199507182255.PAA06275@ix5.ix.netcom.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

At 11:36 PM 7/17/95 -0700, Greg Broiles wrote:
>Consistent with the trend towards treating employees like children,

I'm not surprised someone sees a market for this.  I've worked at
a number of customer sites that block access to 900 numbers and
local pay-per-call numbers, which also blocks access to Time-of-day
and some vendors' customer-support numbers.

>Webster Network Strategies has announced (but apparently has not
>shipped) a product similar to SurfWatch but aimed at an employment
>environment. The product is called "WebTrack" and supposedly supports
>access lists of URLs, where access can be allowed to "all but these sites"
>or "only to these sites". The product also can be configured to log all 
>Web usage by users subjected to its reign of terror. :) WebTrack 
>is priced at $7,500 with an annual subscription to 

I assume for that price that it's a gateway product, rather than a site
license for a censored client (which would require sysadmins to go hunt
down everybody's copy of netscape...)  If so, I hope the system at least offers
caching (to save on outside bandwidth requirements and download time),
and has a fair amount of security so it doesn't become a hole in the firewall.

>its list of interesting (err, forbidden) sites priced at $1,500. 
Wow!  Folks have finally found a way to get paid for looking for porn on the
net! :-)
Surfwatch doesn't make it's censored list easily available (otherwise it'd
probably get pirated, or used as an "interesting sites" index...), but
it blocks access to things other than just pornography - does Webster
indicate what categories of stuff they're blocking?

#                                Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
