From: John Young <>
Message Hash: 9641b77437272ab112f53cb2ce55cc2901e5b2624682883c9b134453459bc068
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-08-18 23:01:35 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 18 Aug 95 16:01:35 PDT
From: John Young <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 95 16:01:35 PDT
Subject: Re: Netscape security
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Responding to msg by (Alex Tang) on Fri, 18
Aug 2:52 PM
>It seems that one of the problems with Damien's
>cracking job was that it was "not sanctioned". Look
>at the WSJ article, they didn't mention his
>name...they just called him "a hacker". It shows how
>public opinion still sees groups like the cypherpunks
>as just that, a bunch of punks.
>With some "respected" business on our side, it may make
>a much bigger impact (better publicity, better
>leverage, etc.).
While the WSJ story mentioned no names, other than the
esteemed CypherName and our cypheragent who lured the
reporter, later stories have given individual credit and
amplified the "mainstream" impact of the cabalistic hacker
culture crack.
This segue may be due to the PR-mad corporations and the
LEA's seeking to profit by the drama given to outsiders to
get their safety-products approved, to pose themselves as
being more devoted to the public weal than the devil-
punks (liars or inadverdent truthsayers?).
Or, it may just be a more interesting (lucrative) to pump
the outsider, hacker aspect. Reporting on hackerdom has
been oft used to boost a shrewd wannabe-an-insider's rep in
the mainstream -- no names now, you know who they are, most
are doing quite well, Zarathrustra bless their complicit
So, hackers, punks, cypherpunks, up all night, right, watch
them come calling for an interview when you misbehave in
outrageous and wondrous and techno-magical ways. Gotta get
lurid stories to allure the customer/advertiser/voter.
Damien, Hal and the SSL-non-anonymous hackers, watch your
backs, think of Kevin and his oh-so-admiring, trust-me
Just my Time-averse sensor-jigger, sensing threat models.
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1995-08-18 (Fri, 18 Aug 95 16:01:35 PDT) - Re: Netscape security - John Young <>