1995-08-20 - Re: Red Shift

Header Data

From: rosaphil <rugosa@escape.com>
To: Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM>
Message Hash: ec4e8b7f6d2e35d07db4249ec7cc7c5d094bd6887dfee10240ec2f6a02f515b8
Message ID: <Pine.BSD/.3.91.950820022737.6411C-100000@escape.com>
Reply To: <199508190140.DAA01774@utopia.hacktic.nl>
UTC Datetime: 1995-08-20 06:41:05 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 19 Aug 95 23:41:05 PDT

Raw message

From: rosaphil <rugosa@escape.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 95 23:41:05 PDT
To: Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM>
Subject: Re: Red Shift
In-Reply-To: <199508190140.DAA01774@utopia.hacktic.nl>
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD/.3.91.950820022737.6411C-100000@escape.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

	any mericans involved?

	could somoen please post the jeapordy questions posed
	in the game played at cybercon?

	also, anyhone know how to hack axxess passwords?

	just curios?


             (Better Living Thru Better Living)                    
*        SNAIL ME             +      GABRIELLI'S  *ZINFANDEL*  (RED) &    *
*      YER ROSEHIPS           +                                           *
               [Ask Fer  *Gabrielli Wine*  at 
		yer local liquor store if'n ya
		want to tend yer rugosa]

	Let your voice be heard in the campaign to save the life of
	 		     Mumia Abu Jamal

               ++++ stop de execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
       ++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++++
     ++++ more info: http://www.xs4all.nl/tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm ++++
