1995-09-14 - Re: An opportunity not to be missed

Header Data

From: Frank Stuart <fstuart@vetmed.auburn.edu>
To: mark@unicorn.com
Message Hash: ca0c4b2b56bfc765fafb4063ca17869b9035f1e37273b5d42215b07101228d5c
Message ID: <199509141535.KAA05557@snoopy.vetmed.auburn.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-09-14 15:35:41 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 14 Sep 95 08:35:41 PDT

Raw message

From: Frank Stuart <fstuart@vetmed.auburn.edu>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 95 08:35:41 PDT
To: mark@unicorn.com
Subject: Re: An opportunity not to be missed
Message-ID: <199509141535.KAA05557@snoopy.vetmed.auburn.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>> Is anyone in a position to set up a cypherpunks CrimeStoppers mailbox (for
>> use through the remailers)?  You could set up a web-page with instructions
>> and a list of crimes for which there are rewards.
>Someone already tried that. The cops got a copy of the WWW logs and 
>started investigating everyone who'd looked at the WWW page... So at the 
>least you'd need a bunch of anonymous WWW proxies as well.

Yuck.  Well, if this is going to be a problem, you could distribute a
periodic FAQ via Usenet instead.

>There's also the problem that the current ecash systems do not provide 
>payee anonymity, so if you pay informers with ecash they can be traced if 
>the bank and payer collude.

That's a real problem and underscores the need for better ecash.  :)

Frank Stuart              | (Admiral Grace) Hopper's Law:
fstuart@vetmed.auburn.edu | It's easier to get forgiveness than permission. 
