From: Publisher Program <>
Message Hash: 1a7e31851dbc2be3f0cfc0afdad0af21ff589fb3cdb7bc7126a6f836c8b9b692
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-10-03 03:35:24 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 2 Oct 95 20:35:24 PDT
From: Publisher Program <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 95 20:35:24 PDT
Subject: Introducing Johnson-Grace
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Dear Web Publisher:
You may have never heard of Johnson-Grace Company, but you have probably
seen the benefits of our image compression technology in America Online and
Apple's eWorld. "ART" compression substantially speeds up image transfers.
In fact, ART formatted images transmit three times faster over conventional
telephone lines than old-style GIFs and JPEGs. The immediate benefit is
dramatically more compelling online content.
Many of the hottest areas on AOL and eWorld are taking advantage of ART
technology, including ABC, Business Week, The Smithsonian, NY Times, and
800-Flowers. Now, Johnson-Grace is able to offer the same benefit to Web
To help you immediately reap the rewards of ART image compression on your
Web site, Johnson-Grace is offering publishers the latest copy of our ART
Press(TM) on a FREE trial basis for the remainder of calendar 1995. ART
Press lets you easily convert your images to the ART format with its unique
Web and online publishing features. For example, our proprietary Splash(TM)
feature displays a full-size image in roughly one second; the image then
becomes sharper as more detail is received and decompressed in additional
layers, producing a high-quality final image within seconds.
To get your free trial copy of ART Press, simply sign up for the
"Johnson-Grace Publishers Program," a new program designed specially for Web
and online publishers. At the foot of this email is an enrollment form. Just
fill it out and email or fax it back to us. We'll send you the software
right away (usually within 24 hours). For even faster results, just sign up
online through the Johnson-Grace Web site (
Besides receiving ART Press, another prime benefit of joining our Publishers
Program is that you will be automatically notified when any new versions of
the software become available. Here are two more benefits:
* FREE Technical Support -- For the remainder of calendar 1995 you will
receive free expert technical advice on using ART Press. Support is
available by email or by phone.
* FREE Image Compression -- To help you get started with ART Press,
Johnson-Grace will compress your original images into the ART format free of
charge. Simply provide them to us in BMP, TIFF, or PICT format, and we'll do
the rest.
We've devised a method for allowing both ART and non-ART images to be
accessed from your Web site depending on whether or not an ART-enabled
browser is being used. Johnson-Grace and some of the larger browser
companies have introduced a new extension to HTML, the X-ALTSRC attribute in
the <IMG> tag. (<IMG> is the standard tag used to insert images into a Web
page.) It indicates to ART-enabled Web browsers that an ART image is
present. When an X-ALTSRC attribute is found, ART-enabled browsers will
automatically use the ART image named in it, bypassing a SRC attribute it
may find naming a GIF (or JPEG) image. Browsers that do not recognize the
X-ALTSRC attribute will ignore it and read the SRC attribute instead, so
there's no risk of incompatibility with these "old-style" browsers.
Currently, AOL's built-in TurboWeb browser as well as other Web browsers
including GNN and TeacherSoft recognize this new HTML attribute,
representing a community of well over three and a half million users. As
announced by Netscape, Johnson-Grace will be one of the first companies to
provide a free plug-in for Netscape 2.0 which will allow Netscape users to
take advantage of the ART format. This plug-in will be delivered as a
"virtual bundle" so that support for the ART format will be automatically
added to the browser the first time an ART image is encountered.
Additionally, Johnson-Grace is in discussions with all the other major Web
browser companies to include ART technology in their products. We expect
broad support by the end of the year.
Check out the Johnson-Grace Web site ( to learn more
about how to use ART's triple-speed advantage on your Web site. You'll also
find a host of other useful information there designed specifically for
In the months ahead, look for Johnson-Grace to provide additional "Instant
Publishing" capabilities for Web and online service publishers. For example,
later this year you'll see news of ART speech compression technology that
will enable publishers to author interleaved sound and images for real-time
playback at 14,400 bits per second. Think about what real-time sound can do
for your Web pages!
If you have any questions about the program, feel free to email You can also call Tech Support at (714) 759-0700, or
fax us at (714) 729-4643.
Best regards,
Geoff LeBlond
VP, Licensing
Johnson-Grace Company
Enrollment for Johnson-Grace Publishers Program
Please provide the following information to enroll in the Johnson-Grace
Publishers Program
Company Name:
Company Address1:
Company Address2:
Company Address3:
Company Address4:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
email Address (email address is required to process your request) :
Version of Software needed
[ ] Windows
[ ] Macintosh
[ ] Both
Type of Publisher (select one)
[ ] Newspaper, Magazine, or Newsletter
[ ] Merchant
[ ] Company (e.g., product and sales information)
[ ] Government or Non-Profit Organization
[ ] Other (please specify) :
Target Audience (check all that apply)
[ ] Web
[ ] Online Service(s)
[ ] Both
Web Site Information
(1) Home Page Location (URL):
(2) Launch Date:
(3) Webmaster e-mail address:
Note: By sending this registration form to Johnson-Grace Company, you agree
to follow
the following Publishers Program restrictions.
(1) Do not use a trial version of ART Press after the end of the trial
evaluation period.
(2) Only Web and online service publishers -- defined as companies,
organizations, or entities that offer content or information for display on
the Web or on an online service for commercial purposes -- may qualify to
participate in the Johnson-Grace Publishers Program.
(3) Do not distribute copies of the program (all users must enroll), or
attempt to reverse engineer the program.
(4) Report any problems with the program to the Publisher Support Hotline at
internet address, fax 714-729-4643, or telephone
714-759-0700 (ext. 215 or ext. 230).
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