From: (Germain Arthur)
To: (x85849i1)
Message Hash: 882049a24dd2fa37b3019e8f6e75c83236e424b176fd3ac97a88014553ccf758
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-10-25 13:34:55 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 25 Oct 95 06:34:55 PDT
From: (Germain Arthur)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 95 06:34:55 PDT
To: (x85849i1)
Subject: RE: Verification of Registration
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I have unsubscribed from this mailing list. Please remove my name from
your personal address lists. Thanks.
From: Scott Brickner[]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 1995 2:09 PM
To: x85849i1
Cc: cypherpunks
Subject: Re: Verification of Registration
"Raymond Val" writes:
>Lynne L. Harrison writes:
>> Curious. Did anyone else receive this unsolicitated *invitation*?
>Everybody who receives mail from received this
>message becuase the message was addressed to
> Apparently someone may have
>joined this 'group' or service and used the cypherpunks address as
>the e-mail address. Mayhap the / cypherpunks
>This would be my guess, of course.
Mine too.
>Does anybody know what this service does?
C|NET Central is a cable TV show which reports on the 'net. The
service is their on-line address where you can get more details
on stuff they report.
Doesn't seem to be especially c-punks related, but I guess someone
didn't like the idea of having to reveal his identity just to look
at a web page. You can probably assume that the password for the
"cypherpunks" userid on the server is either "cypherpunks" or
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1995-10-25 (Wed, 25 Oct 95 06:34:55 PDT) - RE: Verification of Registration - (Germain Arthur)