1995-12-02 - Re: A “Warning Banner” for Netscape Navigator? Good idea!

Header Data

From: Joe Thomas <jthomas@access.digex.net>
To: Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM>
Message Hash: 54fec03aebbc38c64310874212db31917a6e7a23e05d227e63e63db610a3c415
Message ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951202021203.28980B-100000@access4.digex.net>
Reply To: <199512020326.EAA25501@utopia.hacktic.nl>
UTC Datetime: 1995-12-02 07:17:29 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 1 Dec 95 23:17:29 PST

Raw message

From: Joe Thomas <jthomas@access.digex.net>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 95 23:17:29 PST
To: Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM>
Subject: Re: A "Warning Banner" for Netscape Navigator? Good idea!
In-Reply-To: <199512020326.EAA25501@utopia.hacktic.nl>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951202021203.28980B-100000@access4.digex.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, Wilhelm Busch wrote:

> >Oh, I don't have their home page enabled. What I meant, but perhaps wasn't
> >clear about in my post, is that the commercials pop up in Yahoo, Infoseek,
> >Deja News, Excite, and so forth. (OK, so it is inaccurate to say "Netscape"
> >puts them in.)

> A while back, someone on comp.infosystems.www.* posted patches to CERN httpd
>  allowing the proxy server to filter out url's based on regexp matching.
> Thus you could update a regexp file as new ads appeared.

I think the author, Axel Boldt, posted this URL to cypherpunks a while 

From http://emile.math.ucsb.edu:8000/~boldt/NoShit/index.html :

Filtering the Web using WebFilter

This document describes the WebFilter (formerly known as NoShit) extension 
to Cern's httpd web server which allows you to filter out annoying parts 
of web pages that you visit often. 

Why to use WebFilter

You have probably noticed how many popular web sites that offer cool 
stuff sooner or later inevitably turn to advertising. They are very 
welcome to do that, of course, except if they try to place their shit on 
my computer screen.
