From: John Young <>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-12-21 03:33:08 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 20 Dec 95 19:33:08 PST
From: John Young <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 95 19:33:08 PST
Subject: QCF_dec
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Science, 8 December 1995
Quantum Computers, Factoring, and Decoherence
I. L. Chuang, R. Laflamme, P. W. Shor, W. H. Zurek
[First paragraph] The uniqueness of the prime
factorization of a positive integer is the Fundamental
Theorem of Arithmetic. In practice, the determination of
the prime factors of a given number can be an exceedingly
difficult problem, even though verification is trivial.
This asymmetry is the basis for modern cryptography and
provides secret codes used not only on your own bank card
but also to transfer diplomatic messages between embassies.
[Precis] It is known that quantum computers can
dramatically speed up the task of finding factors of large
numbers, a problem of practical significance for
cryptographic applications. Factors of an L-digit number
can be found in ~L^2 time [compared to ~exp(L^1/3) time] by
a quantum computer, which simultaneously follows all paths
corresponding to distinct classical inputs, obtaining the
solution from the coherent quantum interference of the
alternatives. Here it is shown how the decoherence process
degrades the interference pattern that emerges from the
quantum factoring algorithm. For a quantum computer
performing logical operations, an exponential decay of
quantum coherence is inevitable. However, even in the
presence of exponential decoherence, quantum computation
can be useful as long as a sufficiently low decoherence
rate can be achieved to allow meaningful results to be
extracted from the calculation.
I. L. Chuang, Stanford University.
R. Laflamme and W. H. Zurek, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
P. W. Shor, AT&T Bell Labs.
QCF_dec (18 kb)
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1995-12-21 (Wed, 20 Dec 95 19:33:08 PST) - QCF_dec - John Young <>