1995-12-07 - Plea for information

Header Data

From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com>
To: REES@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk
Message Hash: a64ca88ebca5435b03f46d35a90f49872b74925f957e468cd2252e22b7708a0f
Message ID: <199512071423.JAA14918@pipe4.nyc.pipeline.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-12-07 14:39:26 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 06:39:26 PST

Raw message

From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 06:39:26 PST
To: REES@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk
Subject: Plea for information
Message-ID: <199512071423.JAA14918@pipe4.nyc.pipeline.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


   During a year in this penitentiary, here's five I heard the
   older cons mutter:

   1. "Applied Cryptography," Second edition just out, Bruce
   Schneier, Wiley, 1996. Flip through it and stare in
   disbelief and awe. Enjoy 2-5 and return, anxious.

   2. "The Codebreakers," David Kahn, Macmillan, 1967. Crypto-
   biblical tales of lying and cheating via momentarily secret
   tricks. Continued in 3.

   3. "Cyphernomicon," Tim May et al, 1006-Far Future. A wad
   of inspiring sci-non-fi of miscreating, eluding hard-bars
   and regaling in off-shore soft-bars. Also, C4.

   4. "Cypherpunks archives," All Wholesomes, <www.hks.net>,
   Infinite. The stingers honey pot for luring beekeepers into
   berzerk swarms. Wear 5 for protection.

   5. "PGP." Download it somewhere somewhat legally while you
   can, practice picking this sitar. And heave some brick-
   bucks at benefactor Phil for malefactor dues.
